Bad... No Horrible Teacher
Date: 10/16/2017, Categories: Fiction Anal Blackmail, Cheating Coercion Hardcore Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Author: shyguy45
... was immediately grabbed from behind and pushed toward my desk. Tom bent me over the top of it and pulled my long skirt up over my hips revealing my very unsexy panties. "Hmm not what I was expecting." He said referring to my panties. "I would have though a slut like you would be wearing something sexier. Oh well not like you're gonna be needing em anyway." He said as he pulled those down. I sat there in anticipation as I heard him fumbling around with his belt and zipper. As soon as he got his cock out I felt it at the entrance of my pussy. I heard him spit on his dick and then it was shoved into me without ceremony. "Holy fuck, you're tight for a porn star." He said as he thrust wildly into me. "How many did you make? Tell me!" He demanded "Just the one... ah... not so rough." I replied as his cock ravaged my pussy. "Liar... How many other fathers have come on to you?" "A lot... ah jeez ow!" "How many!" "Like 50 I guess. Please stop talking and just finish with me." I begged him. "Mmm that's a lot... How many of them did you fuck?" "None of them! Just fucking stop!" "Well one right. You're fucking me right now aren't you whore?" He said sinisterly as he grabbed my hips and began fucking me as hard as he could. This was the ...
... first man I'd been with since the porn scene but Tom didn't know. In his mind I was just some slut that used her body to get whatever I wanted, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Tom's body tensed up before he shot his cum inside of me. "Nooooo! Not inside of me!" I pleaded but to no avail. A second later I was being filled with his seed while he grunted like a pig. "Come on a whore like you has to be on birth control." "I'm not a whore, and I'm not on birth control. You were my first fuck since I did that horrible scene. Are we done now? Will you keep this quiet?" "Well you may not be on birth control, but you are definitely a whore, and I'm going to prove it to you. Sounds like you have a lot of lost time to make up for." "I don't understand. What are you saying?" "I'm saying you're mine, whenever I want you." "That's not fair! I fucked you thinking it would keep you quiet. You tricked me!" "No I didn't I let you save you're job. Life isn't fair baby. Deal with it." He said as he left my classroom. That night I think I felt worse than I did after being raped. Not only did I endure another forced sexual experience, but there was no end in sight. I spent the rest of the evening sitting at my desk balling my eyes out.