A Nightly Visitor
Date: 9/15/2017,
First Time
Author: Labouroflove
... moments before been playing with my pussy. Tears started to run down my face as I heard him speak, his voice was husky and deep...something I may have found attractive on anyone else. On him, it sent chills through me. "Shhhh princess, my angel....shhhh." I was frozen at those words, so caring and sweet, yet in this moment they were repulsive. I saw him move and felt the bed depress as his weight pressed down on it, and then I felt the feeling of cloth covered legs and chest on top of me as he laid his body over mine. I struggled again then, but he was so much heavier than me, and I was no match. He removed his hand from my wrists and I started to flail, hitting him with my fists...but he was so close I couldnt get any momentum. He chuckled, and I saw him pull off his mask but it was too dark to see his face. I could only make out spiky hair and a straight long nose....and the hint of full lips on a clean shaven face. I wondered why he took off his mask, but only for a second, as the hand over my mouth was removed and as I opened my mouth to scream...warm cotton filled my mouth as he gagged me with the mask. His hand then reclaimed my wrists, and with his free hand he moved down my body to cup my breast. I let out a moan of terror as his fingers gently, almost lovingly caressed my nipple...teasing it until it ached and was rock hard. He leaned down then and took it in his mouth, I felt the warm wetness of his tongue swirling around the tip. I felt sick at the sensation. ...
... "Mmmm, angel. What a good girl...you are so sweet..." He contined to suckle at my breast like a c***d for what felt like forever, before he stopped and his hand went lower. His fingers were callused and rough, and I felt them between my legs. I slammed my legs closed and he chuckled again, making a tsktsk sound in his throat. He shifted and his knee landed between my thighs, hand and crushing against my small soft legs. It hurt and I struggled, but the only way to stop the discomfort was to open my legs....and I did. He moved then to widen them, keeping me pinned as he spread me wide. I felt so exposed as his hand went to my vagina, and his fingers parted my lips. They were no longer swollen now, but tightly closed and dry from terror. He worked at my lips until one callused finger wormed its way into my tight canal, and he slid it in up to his knuckle. He started flicking his finger around inside me, and the move that always got me off now just made me moan loudly in discomfort. He was searching for my g-spot, harder than any boyfriend I ever had did. Yet when he found it, I didnt react in joy, but my hips bucked and I screamed against my gag. It hurt, it was so sensitive and I wasnt turned on at all. He tried for a few moments to see if I would react with bliss, but he could see the pain on my face. He stopped and removed his finger, his hand coming up and caressing my face. "Im so sorry....that was supposed to feel good. Dont you want me to make you feel good?" I shook my head ...