A Nightly Visitor
Date: 9/15/2017,
First Time
Author: Labouroflove
It felt like I hadnt slept in weeks. My job was hectic, my boyfriend left me and now it seemed I had a ghost in my apartment. Everytime I laid down and shut my eyes, I would feel something touch me and I would jerk away, I would see someone standing over my bed but but by the time I rolled over and turned on my light he was gone. Just like that, too fast for a human...had to be. Besides, how would he have gotten in? My doors were always locked and I lived on the second story. It also didnt make sense why someone, some man would sneak in to my room to just stare at me. It was a creepy though to consider, but I convinced myself it wasnt plausible. It was a ghost, just a friendly casper with misguided affections for his human roommate. It was annoying, but with all my knowledge of paranormal investigations, as I used to be a investigator a year ago, it seemed like a normal haunting. Sighing I closed my laptop for the night and got up. I went into the bathroom and closed to door, turning on the hot water and undressing. I used to shower in the morning, but after all the sl**pless nights I couldnt stay awake in my morning shower, besides I needed all the sl**p I could get. So I shower at night, and it helps me fall asl**p. I caught my own gaze in the mirror and I wrinkled my nose. My crystal blue eyes had dark circles under them, and my normally pale face had a flushed rosy look that meant I was getting sick. Damnit, the lack of sl**p was going to kill me! My new job got me up at ...
... 6am and had me gone till 8pm at night, and by the time I got to bed at 11 or so...I was only getting 5 hours of broken sl**p. Well, at least it was helping me lose weight. I was always on the curvy side, never fat but always had curves. I had a butt most girls envied and tits that were every mans wet dream. 38DDD to be exact. Now, my stomach was flat, and almost concave since I was eating very little. No appetite with the amount of stress. Shaking my head I stepped into the showers stream and let the warm water caress me. He snuck into the apartment then, his face covered in a ski mask and dressed all in black. You see, this girl, Jessica, had a habit of giving her apartment keys to men she dated seriously. After 4 years, thats alot of men who had access to her keys. One of these men, in a fit of anger, copied the keys and posted an ad in some pretty nasty circles to get a buyer. All it took was a pciture of this girls body, and he had a buyer. 500 dollars later, this man had her keys and made it his nightly routine to visit her. She was so angelic when she slept, her glorious breasts luminescent in the moonlight. Her blonde hair like a halo above her head. He at first just intended to sneak in and watch her, a few nights then he would stop. However, when he started to see how close she was coming to catching him, but never was, how terrified she was, how much his visits effected her....he couldnt stop. It was a high, a d**g....having that much control over her. He heard the ...