1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... it? Please… you'd record every damn episode…&#034 Nate cracked a smile and for a few shining moments, things just seemed a bit more relaxed. &#034Noelle's the guy in that relationship but her whole intellectual liberal schtick would just get on my nerves. And Tori… it's been years since I fell for her and crashed but I still can't even be in the same room with her without swooning.&#034 Andre waited to hear the last name but it never came. &#034Pretty sure you left off Sam… way I see it, you and her would make a great-&#034 &#034You're not gonna be finishing that sentence buddy…&#034 Nate slapped Andre on the back. &#034Me and Puckett have got some history but… that's all it is. The less we see of each other through all of this, the better.&#034 &#034Dude, you don't have to tell me… I was there when you guys had that epic split. But you-&#034 &#034I said to drop it,&#034 Nate said coldly, rubbing his temples. &#034New subject. Like how-&#034 &#034Like how we could use that plane?&#034 &#034What?&#034 the former line-backer said, looking over his shoulder at the marina, now featuring a white plane. &#034Guess the state guys did arrive…&#034 The two unlikely friends rushed to the plane, but the closer they got, the less white the plane actually looked, thanks to splashes of bl**d on the sides. What started out as a hopeful jog became a cautious slink towards what would certainly be more carnage. Sure enough, once they got to the plane they were sickened at the execution style ...
    ... that the officers had been subjected to, and Nate carefully checked the door of the plane, hoping that maybe it could be a means of escape, but once again, his hopes were dashed by the insides. Whoever had done this, had also smashed up the radio and the controls, not that either of them could fly anyway. &#034Nate,&#034 Andre called to him in a shaky voice full of terror. &#034You need to get over here.&#034 &#034Yeah, what-&#034 Nate thought of himself as a strong guy- a man's man- he was confident, never cried, and never backed down from a fight, but what floated in the water in front of them, shook him to his core. &#034Is that?&#034 &#034Yeah…&#034 Andre said with a heavy sigh. &#034That's Tori's dad.&#034 &#034What the hell would Mr Vega be doing all the way up here?&#034 &#034Maybe the sheriff called him when he thought Robbie was the one doing all of this…&#034 Andre whispered, as if the bodies could hear him. &#034We have to tell her that-&#034 &#034Not a chance. Not just outright,&#034 Nate practically shouted through gritted teeth. &#034She just lost Trina-&#034 &#034Don't remind me… I was the one who found her, remember?&#034 &#034I know… but still…&#034 Nate scrambled to find the right words to explain the situation if they had to, and he was coming up empty. &#034Let's just find a boat and worry about breaking the bad news when we have to.&#034 &#034I think we might have an answer though,&#034 Andre said, pulling up a piece of clothing just on the shore of the ...