1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... Carly asked hoping she wouldn't give anything tragic away. &#034Don't tell daddy, but I think she's not coming back.&#034 The way the words just fell from her mouth, seemed bittersweet, like she understood death, but wanted to play innocent. &#034I'm trying to be brave like daddy, and I know he's scared so I don't want him to know she's dead.&#034 &#034Dead?&#034 Carly said, acting like that word was foreign to her. &#034Everyone else died… everyone here will too,&#034 Savanna said twirling her hair. &#034Someday at least.&#034 &#034That's very… interesting, sweetie, but-&#034 HONK HONK All attention went from idle conversations to two bright headlights just outside the bar, illuminating everything but blinding nearly everyone inside. Freddie, Nate, and Andre moved to the windows to look, but were prepared to dodge if things went south. There wasn't really much to see thanks to the bright lights, but they could make out someone getting out of a truck. A truck with something on top. It took Freddie a few seconds, but he finally realized those were lights. This was Singer's truck. His dad's police vehicle. If Freddie still had lingering doubts about his dad's involvement, they were evaporating quickly. The Seattle born tech producer rushed for the door, but Jade stopped him cold. &#034This might be a trap… you shouldn't go out there!&#034 &#034I have to...&#034 he said, strongly. &#034He's my father, and I need to confront him.&#034 &#034No way, Invincible,&#034 Andre said, ...
    ... joining Jade. &#034Dude might have guns or spears or some crazy shit pointed at you, ready to kill. Plus, that might not even be your dad, man.&#034 Freddie was going to speak, but the figure grabbed something big from the back of the truck and put it in front of the vehicle before climbing back in, and driving off, motor revving the whole time. After nearly 30 seconds, Freddie could not be held back any longer, and Andre ran out with him to whatever the figure left on the ground. The two of them used their flashlights to take a peek at what was left behind, realizing fast that it was less a what and more of a who. Beck. His guts were hanging out and he was ice cold, clearly dead for a while, but what was even more chilling than the body, was that he had some-thing sticking out of his mouth. A piece of plastic held onto a chain. Freddie used Beck's bl**died shirt to reach up and pry his mouth open, revealing a familiar piece of metal. &#034Is that a key?&#034 Andre said, wanting to keep his distance from the mutilated body of one of his closes friends. &#034Yeah… mine,&#034 Freddie said looking up at him. &#034This was my room key at the inn. And the back says 'Meet at 11pm.'&#034 &#034Damn… let's get inside,&#034 Andre said, looking at the windows where the others were huddled to see what he and Freddie were up to. &#034I can't imagine Tori's going to take this well.&#034 Freddie stopped short and gave a look. &#034Tori? I thought she hated him.&#034 &#034She did for a while I ...