My College TA
Date: 9/5/2017,
True Story
Oral Sex
Written by women
Author: Summer55, Source:
... although the only action I'd been getting was from my fingers lately, even if I imagined them to be his instead. I shifted in my seat with excitement from the thought. He grabbed a pencil and began to show me the conversion; it was now my turn to check him out, he was wearing another polo (I assume his attempt to look professional) and this time blue jeans, I leaned in towards him a little and let my hand brush his thigh as I brought it up to the table to retrieve my pencil too. He shifted and I managed to catch a glimpse of twitch in his cock. When we got to the end of the problems I wished I had more to ask, but just sat there thinking what to say next. The silence must have pulled him out of his reverie, as he turned back to being professional. "Well I hoped that this helped, you can email me if you have any more questions. Or even for any class, since I had to take the same ones," Justin stated. "Uh.. Yes thank you, it really did. And I will. Again thank you. I'll go ahead and turn this in I guess, since we did all of the problems. And.. I'll see you Friday?" I awkwardly stated back. "Oh yep. I'll take that, and no we don't have school this Friday. Have a good week though, and I'll see you when we come back from break." He finished. And like that, I left. Completely confused, and realizing it was the only time ever that I wish I had school on Friday. Was he not checking me out? No... He was definitely checking me out.. He probably just realized how wrong it was to be ...
... looking at me like that. But really why is it that wrong? It's not like I'm underage.. I mean I guess he could lose his job.. Hmm. That was probably it. Damn.. Maybe I should email him to thank him for his time.. As if I didn't already thank him enough... Whatever I'm gonna thank him again. I pulled out my phone, and pulled up my school email. No freaking shit. 1 new email from Justin Rush. Sent... 10 minutes ago. Shit that was like exactly after I left. "Summer, Thank you for coming in to see me. I hope that I helped you, feel free to email me with any further questions, and again I'm more than happy to tutor you in any other classes you may have. And remember that we don't have class this Friday, I'll be sending out an announcement to everyone. Justin" I decided to just go for it. "No, I appreciate you making time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. Have a good week, I wish we had school Friday though. Summer" He replied two days later. "Summer, it's no problem really. And why do you wish you had school? Justin R." "So I could see you of course. Summer." "Why would you want to see me? Justin" Oh now he's really wanting me to say it, not happening. " I think you know why. Summer." The next week flew by with all my tests happening right before and after the mini break. It was finally Friday, I went straight up to him after class and asked him if we could meet again for the homework assignment that he had just assigned. That should have been a dead give away that I wasn't ...