1. My College TA

    Date: 9/5/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Male/Female Oral Sex School Written by women Author: Summer55

    It was my second year of college. I was majoring in nursing so we had a pretty strict guideline of classes we had to follow in order to be accepted into the actual nursing program by junior year. While most of my freshman year was spent doing the required breadth courses for the university, I was finally getting out of that stage and now doing the prerequisite courses for the program. To say I was ecstatic was an understatement. I couldn't tell you why, but finally doing something that applied to my field made me feel closer to my actual goal, and I guess that's why I was more than happy to be there. I was finishing my first week of my sophomore year, it was Friday and I had one more class to go. I hadn't been to this class yet as it only met once a week on Friday's mid afternoon, it was medical math and only counted as a one credit hour class. "Wait, what does this mean? They 'changed locations?' Shit!" I said to Andrew. Andrew was a guy that I graduated high school with, and during our freshman year we had two of our science courses together. We also learned we were both majoring in nursing so we became pretty close friends. We had been under the assumption that the class was being held at the same location it was offered last semester, which was about a 15 minute drive away from campus. Little did we know that everything had been moved back onto campus. "HA! Wow. Well, that sucks. I don't think we’re gonna make it on time now. I'll call Dane and have him save us some ...
    ... seats, hurry let's try to get back over there, besides they are probably just going to go over the syllabus today," Andrew replied. Now one thing to know about me is that I am a good student, I go to class early, I usually pick a seat by the front, and I definitely don't come in late on the FIRST DAY. I was frustrated to say the least, but there was nothing I could do. I straightened out my skirt, which was probably a tad bit too short, and got back in the car trying not to look too pissed. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I was still irritated with the situation. By the time we got to the correct place, we were still lost; the entire facility seemed like a maze. We asked the receptionist at the front which way the class was, and still ended up coming in through the wrong door. We scurried in, and of course Dane saved us seats in the back, but I was actually a little relieved to not cause too much attention coming in late. I sat down and pulled out my notebook to start taking notes, as it seemed the syllabus reading was already over, I guess there isn’t too much to talk about for a class that meets once a week. When I looked up though, my breath caught it my throat. Standing in front of me was the hottest guy I had ever seen. I am 5'9 with an average build. I'm not skinny, but by no means fat either, I had curves, aka code for big ass. That being said, this man towered over me, he was built, and with the black polo he was wearing it really accentuated his toned physique. His dirty ...