how i give my friend a blowjob
Date: 9/5/2017,
True Story
Author: bartje1542
... ‘Hello?’ ‘Hello, Julia. Anna speaking. Dr Henderson regrets he’s been delayed slightly by something. He will be with you in five minutes, okay?’ ‘Okay,’ Julia said, and hung up at her end. Anna watched as Julia checked her watch, looked around, stared at the keycard, stared at the locked door. Anna sat on the edge of her seat. Would Julia do a runner? Julia sat back, relaxing. Anna also sat back, smiling. This one was going to be a keeper. She hit speed dial. ‘Henderson. Ah, Anna. How’s our latest subject?’ ‘Julia’s making herself comfortable in A 113.’ ‘Good. Start it up.’ Anna hung up, grinned, turned her attentions to two slide controls in front of her, marked “Regular Muzak” and “Sublim”. Slowly, she faded out the regular Muzak, and slid the volume on the Muzak. She also turned up the thermostat slightly. Beside the control panel were a set of gas bottles, affixed to the wall with feed pipes leading into A 113’s ventilation system. The bottle on the left was metallic green. The words KEY 509 were stencilled on the side. Two others, one black, one blue, carried different markings. The blue cylinder’s stencil read SOMNOZINE. The black cylinder simply read O2. At the top of the gas cylinders were round, knurled silver knobs. Anna turned the knob of the green gas cylinder, mixing it with a little O2 feed, and let Key 509 gas slowly begin to fill Room A 113. It was getting hot and stuffy in the room. Julia found herself sweating, slightly stifled by the heat. She looked around ...
... for a thermostat: finding none, she slipped off her suit jacket instead, and sat back. The phone rang. Julia answered. ‘Hello?’ ‘Dr Henderson here,’ said the voice. ‘I’ll be with you soon, but can you do me a favour, Julia?’ ‘If I can.’ ‘Can you look through the catalogue, please, for some nice ladies’ evening wear? Something smart casual, something that’d go well with a thirty something on a, a, company bash.’ ‘Okay,’ Julia said. The phone went silent. Julia ran her finger under her blouse collar. It was still too hot; she loosened the top button as she spoke, before taking out the catalogue and putting it down on the table before her, pushing the wooden box and lighter out of the way. Out of curiosity, she opened the box to peer inside, scowled and closed it again in slight distaste. Cigarettes. The phone rang again. ‘Julia; Anna here. Dr Henderson asked me to pass on further details. He wants something stylish,’ Anna said. ‘Any colour except black. Oh, or mauve. He can’t stand mauve.’ ‘Okay, I’ll look at a list,’ Julia said, undoing the second button. She was sweating profusely, although the temperature hadn’t actually increased at all. ‘If you just look through the book, maybe pick something nice out for him, he’ll be with you shortly. Must dash.’ ‘Okay, Anna,’ Julia said, hanging up. She felt thirsty, and got up to go to the drinks dispenser. In the control room, Anna sat and watched Julia, who now displayed a very satisfactory cleavage, at the drinks machine. Julia was ...