1. how i give my friend a blowjob

    Date: 9/5/2017, Categories: True Story Author: bartje1542

    ... her network’s signal. Someone picked up: a pleasant female voice. ‘Brendan & Sons, family clothing retailers. How can I help you?’ ‘Karen, it’s me, Julia.’ ‘Hi. You know how late you are?’ ‘Can’t be helped; my car’s been written off, and I’ve been trying to get to a working phone booth for ages to call you. The same accident took out all the local phones. Everything on landline. My mobile barely works. The reception’s bad.’ ‘What do you mean, written off? Have you been in an accident?’ ‘No, I’m fine, just that I’ll need to catch a taxi now, to get to the station.’ She checked the time. ‘I might be able to get in for this afternoon.’ ‘Don’t sweat it, hon,’ Karen said. ‘If you’re out and about, why don’t you do me a favour?’ ‘What?’ ‘I’ve got no field agents available to deliver catalogues,’ Karen said, ‘but I’ve got a client, Dr Henderson, rang me up last night just on closing. He says he could do with a copy of a catalogue; something about his wedding anniversary.’ ‘I’ve got a few spare catalogues back home,’ Julia said. ‘I can take him one.’ ‘I was hoping you’d say that,’ Karen said. ‘Tell you what, you take him the catalogue, and I’ll put you down on payroll as having done a full day’s work. Deal?’ ‘Deal,’ Julia said, fishing for a pen and writing the address down on the back of her hand. ‘Did you get that?’ Karen asked. ‘Yeah, thanks, Karen. Gotta go,’ Julia said. ‘Oh, Karen, can you call my local taxi firm, Mandy’s Taxis, and ask them to pick me up from my home address? ...
    ... I think I’m about to run out of credits on my cell.’ ‘Will do.’ The taxi dropped Julia off outside the address Karen had given her. Julia stood on the pavement, briefcase in her hand, looking at the location in bemusement. ‘I thought this was a home address,’ she said to herself. The address to which she’d been delivered was a large construction of brick, with a flat roof and no windows on the facing side. It looked like commercial premises – a factory or warehouse of some kind. There was no hoarding to indicate whose company it was, and a parking space on one side. Julia crossed the road, walked around the building towards the parking area. Turning to face the building, she saw what looked like the building’s only entrance, a set of double doors without any corporate signage, not even the word ENTRANCE. The car parking area was empty. Julia approached the doors, which slid aside as she neared them. Inside was a hallway leading to a reception area at the far end. The lobby was large, with mirror-faced pillars and mirror-panelled walls to add the illusion of space. A bored-looking young woman with red hair sat at the reception desk, apparently busy at the keyboard of her flat screen computer. The phone rang as Julia approached the desk. The receptionist answered it. ‘Sharpton Human Response Research Centre. Alicia speaking. How may I help you?’ she began. A moment later, she smiled. ‘Oh, of course. I’ll put you through to Doctor Thomas. Hold the line.’ She pushed buttons and ...