how i give my friend a blowjob
Date: 9/5/2017,
True Story
Author: bartje1542
... having fun.’ Anna coughed once, clearing her throat and glancing down at the clipboard. She looked slightly puzzled for a moment, as if wondering what she was doing with the board. Julia was on the verge of coming, but she continued to dance naked in front of Ted and Carolina. The couple seemed oblivious to her presence; they were dancing very close, now, the tip of his cock swinging as his hips moved, almost close enough to touch his wife’s burgeoning bush. ‘Ted, close your eyes,’ Anna said. Obediently, Ted shut his eyes. ‘Carolina,’ Anna said in a whisper, ‘step back a minute. Let Julia take over.’ She looked at Julia, blinking for a moment. ‘Julia,’ Anna whispered, covering up a yawn, ‘take over for Carolina.’ Anna rubbed at her eyes for a moment. Julia stepped forwards, dancing close to Ted. This close, she could hear Ted’s passionate breathing as they danced together. She could see the sheen of sweat on his skin. As Julia dipped her hand towards her bush again, it accidentally touched Ted’s cock. Ted gasped; so did Carolina. As it swung back again, Julia touched the tip again, and this time she held it. Ted gave a little shudder as Julia began to stroke Ted’s cock with both her hands. Julia looked over at Carolina, whose expression of jealousy and hate was clear. ‘Both of you, stop dancing,’ Anna said, touching Ted and Julia on the arm. Julia stopped, grateful for the chance to rest. She continued to stroke Ted’s cock as Ted stood, gasping, his eyes shut, his face ...
... taut. ‘Do you like that?’ Julia whispered to Ted. Ted gasped. ‘You’re not Carolina?’ he whispered, hoarsely. His eyes were still closed. Ted was frowning. Julia glanced at Carolina to her side; Carolina was still dancing, as instructed, but her face was red with anger and humiliation. Carolina rubbed her eyes, yawning, and carried on dancing. ‘Carolina,’ Anna said, blinking, ‘you are now dancing – yawn – dancing for Julia.’ Julia found herself yawning as well. All four of them were yawning. It was getting hot in the room. Julia looked about her, suddenly aware that the door of the room was closed. Then she saw that Carolina was dancing closer to her, yawning and blinking and gyrating her hips in Julia’s direction. She glanced at Anna, and saw Anna slowly sitting down on a nearby chair, rubbing at her eyes. Julia let out a huge yawn of her own. It was getting really stuffy in the room. She began to feel dizzy, and wondered if somebody was filling the room with some sort of sleeping gas to make them all feel sleepy. Drowsily, Anna got up onto unstable feet. She made her way over to the door, fumbling for her key card. As Julia watched, craning her head around, she saw Anna swipe the keycard in the slot. The tiny light stayed red. Anna swiped the card a couple more times, before giving up and throwing the useless card away. Julia watched as Anna stumbled into the middle of the room, coughing and struggling to loosen the collar of her blouse. Julia herself continued to stroke Ted’s ...