1. Grandma was Confused

    Date: 8/31/2017, Categories: Hardcore Mature Taboo Author: andydagod

    Hi, I'm Jacob from a lower middle class f****y with two working parents. My mom's a department store clerk and my father is a baker. We live in an old three-bedroom home in a mid-sized Midwestern city. I have one older b*****r named Jarrod who's in the Army. I'm a freshman in High School who recently turned 14. In looks I'm pretty average, I stand a shade under 5'7" and have brown hair, brown eyes and no really distinguishing features. Through no fault of my own, I was until very recently a virgin. Part of problem was that until this year I went to all boys schools; both in elementary and high school. Also since my parents had been a bit wild in their youth both my b*****r and I had been raised pretty strictly. Education was the primary focus so we were either at school or at home. Jarrod chafed at the all the rules and all the schooling and joined the Army as soon as he could. As soon as I started going to public high school my dad expanded his satellite sports package so who knows how much is actually being saved for my incidentals. They hoped to use the extra money to take a long delayed second honeymoon. This was not to be however, because Grandma moved in with us. My grandmother is sixty-eight years old and had just recently become penniless. When Grandpa retired at sixty-five Grandma also retired even though she was only sixty-two at the time. A year into his retirement Grandpa died of a sudden heart attack while chopping wood. She and Grandpa had saved for years for ...
    ... their retirement so Grandma was left with a comfortable nest egg or so she thought. A few months ago her financial planner had suddenly disappeared. He'd milked a lot of old folks, my grandmother among them. She still had her social security but lost her home to foreclosure because the financial advisor had also pocketed the mortgage payments. Although the financial planner was caught and arrested, he refused to say where he'd hidden the money. A long legal battle lay ahead. My parents insisted that Grandma stay with us in Jarrod's old room. My grandmother is a vibrant, witty and funny woman. She has piercing green eyes that can sparkled with humor or turn cold as green ice when she's pissed. Her face is still fine featured and pretty although now is a bit soft and jowly. She has long silvery hair is usually up in a bouffant, a style popular when she was a young woman. With that hair style she reminds me of the mother on Petticoat Junction, one of the few non sports shows my dad watches on one of them retro stations. For the most part having Grandma in the house was a welcome addition because it reduced everyone's chores. At her own insistence Grandma cooked, cleaned and did the laundry for her upkeep. My parents didn't want a houseful of rowdy teenage boys bugging Grandma so my house became off limits to my friends. Grandma also felt that my generation didn't get enough exercise so she made me help her with the chores and help her cook. Grandma had to sell her car to pay off ...