1. New Life in Rianate 7

    Date: 8/27/2017, Categories: Fiction Cum Swallowing Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance School Written by women Author: Lustful11

    ... you do that?!" I yelled. Actually yelled. "I had a vision and I knew it'd work," she sighed. "But... Now my leg feels even shittier." "Come on, we gotta hurry up and get back." Tao hadn't had a knife thrown into her leg, so I was hurriedly limping after her while we exited the crumpling warehouse and to the air-car. I revealed the vehicle, and it took me a while to get myself together as I leaned on the wheel and took deep breaths. Tao rested her cold palm on my thigh. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, my throat and leg hurts... Well, my entire body does, including my brain," I weakly chuckled. "Sorry. Do you want me to drive?" she asked. I shook my head and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and clutched my fingers around the wheel to get back to the portal. ==== After returning the car back to the garage at 5am, Tao and I made our way to Ria. 84 and knocked on Brice's door. He had already been talking to someone, that someone being Dad, Sumiko, Chryseis, the Twins and Dallas. We ran over to him and hugged Brice as strong as we could. "Where is she?" he gently asked. "Dead," we answered. "What?" "Girls, sit. Christopher, heal them," Chryseis said. As Tao and I sat in the newly-changed velvet chairs, Bull kneeled in front of my chair and whispered, "Are you okay?" He raised his hand to my lip and healed the small cut. "I'm okay." He glided his hand down my arm, and the doves soothed my insides while the scrapes and bruises on my skin disappeared. "Girls," Brice said, pushing us ...
    ... to tell him more. "I saw Dad," Tao said. "I saw Mom," I added. "We saw Cade and Axton." "We saw Ross and PeyTon." "Ma'at and Detroit." "Indiana and Aya." They gave us looks like we were crazy, but they knew what we were getting at. "Lena explained how she killed them, she said it like she was asking for a newspaper: she was crazy and obviously not in a good place," I explained. "She said this spell that gave her all of the powers: Autumn, Language, Guns, Elements, Ice, World, Stealth, Truth and her own powers. Lena obviously banged us up, then I summoned our ephinitares and we broke them open," Tao added. "Tao, you're not suppo—" "She wouldn't have done it if we stood a chance against Lena. She had a of those powers, and we had none." I gave Dad a look that made him back down. "And, we have something." Tao and I reached into our bag, receiving the jars and giving them to Brice and the guys. "Wow. I'll make sure to keep these safe," Brice lightly said. He put them on the desk. "So, what else?" "That was it. And we—" I was cut off by a rushing in my head. I shook it off then tried to continue, "We got the car—" I groaned. The headache moved further down, and the pains made my pulse race. I rested my elbows on my thighs, using my hands to massage my temples, even though it did no better. It was like someone was driving invisible knives into my spine, neck and an uncomfortable throbbing moved from my temples to my throat. I was sure I was gonna be sick, and I clutched Tao's hand, ...