New Life in Rianate 7
Date: 8/27/2017,
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Written by women
Author: Lustful11
She placed a bit more of her weight on the decrepit step and quickly made it up the first four. This was very dangerous, but how else would we get up there? I followed up the stairs; when Tao made it up three, I got up two. We were both tall, and the steps would easily collapse if we used them to support 100% of our weight. Tao gave my hand a firm grasp and assisted me on getting passed the wood that completely fell down to the concrete below. The rusty, metal door was cracked open just a few inches, so Tao and I crouched down to peek through the jamb. I couldn’t see much, since the door was beyond a normal size and, Tao’s blue hair was in the way. “Move,” I whispered. She walked the the other side of the door and I peeked through. The first thing I noticed: an extremely tall person with green hair and a long black dress on. Tao tapped my shoulder which made me jump and gasp, almost falling off of the rickety landing. “What?!” I roughly whispered. “I’m going to crack it further,” Tao said hushedly. I nodded, moving my fingers so I didn’t have to have bad fingers. With her manicured fingertips, Tao bit down on her lip, shut her eyes and rifted the door open by a millimeter, and despite that fact that we were completely silent, the door made the soft rurr sound and Tao gasped. I pulled her away and slammed my hand down on her mouth before both of us were seriously hurt. Footsteps. Light, getting louder, stopping at the door. My eyes and Tao’s were the size of tennis balls and a ...
... man with rustic red hair peeked his head out. He caught my eye and tilted his head to the side as if he was thinking something. “Stay here,” he whispered. Tao and I both let out sighs, the man closing the door and saying something very loud. We pressed our ear to the cold material to listen. “What the hell was that noise?” a first voice boomed. “Two girls. One with really blue hair and the other with teal. Know who they are?” It was the man, his voice was hushed and he was speaking directly to another man with another enrapturing voice. “Wait…,” this was a woman so speak, “the girl with the teal hair. And blue hair?” “Yes… Holy shit!” “Go get them!” By now, there were six voices: three different women, three men. This time Tao and I didn’t freak out when the door opened, but I do think I pissed my pants. “Aya?” “Shh, you have to be quiet.” Her pink hair and hazel eyes were the same. I knew it was her I was just confused as to why and how it was her. She grabbed our hands, bringing us through the door and I had to take a moment to wrap my head around the group of people before me. My eyes scanned over the room, but locked on a woman with bright red hair. Her pretty orange eyes were glowing and her bottom lip was trapped between her vibrant teeth. "Eris..." she whispered. "Mom..." I could barely make out her short figure through the tears forming in my eyes. How and why the fuck was she there? But, I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and cry into her shoulder. I wanted to ...