1. New Life in Rianate 7

    Date: 8/27/2017, Categories: Fiction Cum Swallowing Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance School Written by women Author: Lustful11

    ... then started a giggly dance of the Salsa. "This is Detroit, and she is super-mom. She loves Water and anything the shade of blue. When she lived in Michigan, she spent all of her time at the Great Lakes, and Detroit loves anything that has to do with kids." Aya gave Detroit a small kiss on the cheek, then went over to Axton and Ma'at. "Ma'at was Brice's wife; Axton was married to Lena. Ma'at is the name of an Egyptian Goddess, and Ma'at has the same power for Truth. Axton can speak any language in two seconds; his vocabulary tops anyone's." Aya didn't go over to my Mom, or to Tao's Dad. They came over to us and gave us another hug that I had been needing since I was 2. Not seeing your mother for years was something weird, especially if you’d watched her get murdered. I always needed her. I needed her when I got braces. I needed her when I found out I had two cavities. I needed her when I realized my eyesight was terrible. I needed her when I “became a woman” in gym class and had to tell Dad by myself. I needed her at homecoming. I needed her when my dog, Lurie, died when I was 10. I NEEDED HER. "I missed you, baby," Mom whispered. "You're more beautiful than I could imagine. Who let you get all of this metal in your ear?" She traced her finger over the hoop helix, and smiled and wiped the blood off of my cheek. "Daddy, when I was 15," I smiled. "He also let me get contacts when I was 12. He let me get a four-wheeler on my 10th birthday. And, he exposed me to comic books when ...
    ... I was 4.” "Oh, Jeff. He was always the wild parent. But, uhm, what's this about a boyfriend?" My eyes got wide and I felt Mom laughing. "I'm just kidding, Fairy"—Mom gave me the nickname Fairy because I used to watch this Fairy movie all of the time—"let's go talk with Indiana, I hear it's one of his boys." Mom and I crossed over to Indiana, who had been laughing and talking with his wife. Mom said something to him in an old form of Riate, then he glanced at me with bright hazel eyes. "You got the wildcard, huh? Come here," he said. I followed he and his wife to another window, and Indiana held my shoulders. "Just know that I don't think it is appropriate for a dead man to give you a lecture about his son. Anyway, has he given you the chance to meet his sisters? You'll really like them," he smiled. I stammered. "Dayton and Dakota... they lost their powers a few years ago because they were killing humans." Detroit shook her long blue hair. "Figures. I knew they were too good to be true," she scoffed. "Detroit. Let's not forget the older boy," Indiana gently said to her. Wait, older boy? Dallas was younger than both his siblings. Must be a senile mistake. "You love that boy as hard as you can," Detroit interjected. "He needs a type of care that no other person except for four people in this world have shown him." She got close to my ear and whispered, "Don't judge him because of his ADHD. Please don't; he doesn't need any more hurting in his life." I hugged her then smiled at ...