Three Day Leave Day 1
Date: 8/17/2017, Categories: True Story Bi-sexual Hardcore Lesbian Older Female / Males, Author: casio1933
... covered them with a tarpaulin. Liberty ended at midnight and the ship was quiet. Eric and I were watching from the fantail when a small gondola glided silently between the ship and the quay. Eric's two friends were on board. Eric lifted the tarp and showed them the four cases of cigarettes still wrapped in waterproof paper. One of the men handed an envelope up to Eric - he quickly examined the contents and motioned for me to start passing the cases down to the men in the boat. It was at that time we heard a voice, "What's going on back there?" The Master-at-Arms had quarterdeck watch. Somehow he had heard us and was coming to investigate. Eric and I immediately pushed the remaining three cases of cigarettes off the inclined depth-charge rack onto the heads of our partners in crime. We started walking toward the petty officer in charge of the watch and told him: "Nothings going on - we were just having a smoke and a breath of fresh air before turning in" - he bought it. NAPLES CHAPTER 1 - DAY 1 Our leave began at 0800 the following morning. Eric and I packed the two pilfered canned hams and ten pounds of coffee into our duffels along with some civilian clothes and went ashore. Outside the main gate, we caught a taxi and arrived shortly at the house of Eric's uncle. We had agreed to give the old man a hundred fifty dollars each "to cover our stay" - it was money the family much needed - post war Italy was still suffering great depression and Naples had been heavily damaged ...
... during the fighting. Eric made introductions to his family and the numerous aunts, uncles and cousins that had been waiting to greet us. With many hugs and kisses we were welcomed into the Cordero home. The kiss of one cousin was particularly intriguing. Her name was Maria. She was almost thirty years old. Her husband had been killed during the last days of fighting the Germans in defense of his native city. Maria taught English at the nearby University of Naples and lived in a two-room apartment adjoining her father's house. She was beautiful. Her long dark auburn tresses framed a face of polished alabaster. Her green piercing eyes seemed to plumb the depths of your soul. Her body was lithe and curvaceous. Even though it was apparent she wore no bra, her breasts rode high and proud on her chest. As did she, many other members of the family spoke English. When she had kissed me, I thought her tongue had brushed my lips, so lightly I could not be sure she had done so, perhaps it was only wishful thinking. Aunt Sophia sent two of the younger children to the local market for items she would need to prepare a meal for her many guests. The next hour and a half was spent in my getting acquainted with family members and Eric filling them in on news from their relatives in the U.S. After the late breakfast, Eric told me he was going to visit an old girlfriend and that Maria had volunteered to give me a guided tour of the city. I was elated at the idea of spending some time alone with ...