1. Three Day Leave Day 1

    Date: 8/17/2017, Categories: True Story Bi-sexual Hardcore Lesbian Older Female / Males, Author: casio1933

    THREE-DAY LEAVE - PROLOGUE Enrique (Eric) Cordero's parents had immigrated to the United States from Naples, Italy in the mid 1920's. Eric was born in New York City in 1930 and joined the Navy in 1948 - he was my shipmate and buddy. We had been looking forward to our ships scheduled five-day visit to Naples, where many of Eric's close relatives still lived. He had many uncles; aunts and cousins living near the port where our ship would be "tied-up". Because of his family proximity and the fact that Eric and I would be staying with them, we were granted a three-day leave - starting in two days. The ship docked in the conventional "Med Mooring" method, in which anchors are dropped off the bow of the ship and utilizing the anchor winches and the ships engine, the ship is maneuvered into the quay stern (fantail) first. Five other destroyers in our squadron were "tied-up" close along each side, in a "nest". Gangplanks ran between the ships and the ship having "nest duty" on a given day would put a gangway from their fantail to the quay - all personnel on all the ships would go ashore and return via the single gangplank. This was Eric's fourth trip to Naples in the last five years and, in addition to family, he had many friends here. Some of them were pretty shady characters. Our liberty began at 1600 hours and we went ashore for our first night of liberty in Naples, Italy. Eric made a few phone calls from a small bar just outside the gates to the port. He told me we would be ...
    ... meeting some of his old buddies in a few minutes. They were going to finance our leave! We were on our second bottle of Peroni, when two guys showed up, dressed in typical workmen's clothes, they joined us in a dark corner booth. Eric made no introductions, but spent about five minutes explaining (I assume) my presence - he said he assured them that I neither spoke nor understood Italian. His explanation apparently satisfied his friends and they continued their conversation for the next hour. After his friends had left, Eric explained they were interested in buying cigarettes and he had agreed to sell them four cases for three hundred dollars (U.S. currency) a case. With the black-market exchange rate for lira this was the equivalent of about four hundred fifty dollars. They would cost us eighty dollars a case in the ships store. We needed to come up with three hundred twenty dollars before we could remove the cigarettes from the ships stock. I had saved about one hundred seventy-five dollars for this leave and was a little reluctant to gamble most of it on this scheme. However, a six to nine hundred dollars leave looked a hell of a lot better than the one I had planned and I agreed. The next day, as Commodore's Yeoman, I assigned nest duty to the ship furthest from our berth. I gave Eric my one hundred and sixty dollars and asked how we were going to pull this off. about 2200 hours (10:00 PM) we moved four cases of cigarettes to the empty depth-charge racks on the fantail and ...