1. Back In Time

    Date: 8/10/2017, Categories: Fiction BDSM Black, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Group Sex Interracial, Males / Female, Oral Sex Author: stex, Source: sexstories.com

    ... some of this its my favorite." I broke of a row of Cadbury and handed it to her, I did the same for myself. It was even better than I remembered. It seemed to be having an equal effect on Maria. "That is every bit as good as you said it was, much better than the stuff we had. What else should we have, you mention pancakes, is that any different than what we're used to." What cook had called a pancake in 1814, was more like a crepe, maybe a bit thicker, tasty but different than the American style pancakes. "The pancakes here are a bit different, more cake, less pan." I had a brainwave, "I could put chocolate in them, I like choc chip pancakes." Maria looked to like that idea a lot. "Why don't you do that, I'm eager to examine Maria's package, but you'll have to show me how to use the 'MacBook'." She said "MacBook" in a way betraying her unfamiliarity with the concept. "I'll show you in the study." Which was where we'd left the other Maria's MacBook, along side the other Stephen's one, we made our way there. The MacBook had only just been announced when I left 2006, I'd been awfully tempted by one at MacWorld, but hadn't bought one. This one looked even sleeker than the ones I'd known, I would never have been able to resist one of these. I opened it and typed in the password. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "What's the matter." Maria enquired with concern. "He certainly did leave my affairs in good order, this says I've got over twenty million dollars in liquid assets, and the ...
    ... valuation on this place is … Wow! Along with the other flat up here." The front window was a spreadsheet I kept of my assets, it had been updated recently. "Is that a lot?" asked Maria, "I know its a big number, but I've no idea what it means. Do you even know what it means, how has inflation affected money since you were away?" Ever practical was Maria, she had some good questions there, obviously I'd mentioned inflation sometime, it had been really bad at times in my life. "I'll check." I said making some Google searches. "Inflation hasn't been bad in the past 8 years, about 18%, something weird happened in 2008, it was almost zero. Average wage here is $80,000, not forgetting this is the richest country in the world, so its 250 times that. Yes, its a lot. I was 'only' worth about three million when I left, I wasn't sure if that would last, he managed to increase that by about ten times. He's good." "So you are also a rich man here. I chose well, didn't I. Why don't you further prove it by making those pancakes, then we can go out and spend some of those riches on a ring." It didn't take too long to whip up the pancakes, when they were ready, I had to go dig Maria out of the library, where she'd taken up residence, just like 1814. She was really engrossed in the documents and Maria's MacBook. While feasting on chic chip pancakes, topped off with spray cream, Maria mentioned a few of her discoveries. "My calendar says 'Sabbatical' for yesterday, it was Friday after all, but it ...