1. Back In Time

    Date: 8/10/2017, Categories: Fiction BDSM Black, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Group Sex Interracial, Males / Female, Oral Sex Author: stex, Source: sexstories.com

    ... I?" was the question from a bewildered sounding Louisa. Maria interrupted and motioned for the phone, I handed it over. “Louisa?” "Yes, its Me." "we seem to be in Stephen's dream." We'd mentioned the twenty first century to the girls, but only as if it were a dream I had. "Can you stay there, or do you want to come home." "OK, stay there, Stephen will tell you." Maria handed over the phone, "They need to know how to get something to eat in this world." I talked her through how to call room service and where the room service menu was. When I'd finished, Maria said "I think they were busy with each other last night when the Earth moved and didn't notice, or just were expecting the Earth to move at that point." "Talking of food, we're in the kitchen. What has this century got to eat? There are so many things you told me about I want to try." I looked over at Maria and realised she was naked. I must have really been distracted by the letter. "You look very tasty, you could be breakfast." She looked conflicted, "I was thinking of food, but now you mention it …" I must have also looked conflicted. "… or not, I'll go put something on." I was wondering about cornflakes. I hadn't had cornflakes for 8 years, the though was enough to distract me from a naked Maria. She skipped off into the bedroom, I looked through the cupboards, Maria reemerged in a robe that was too big for her, but was much less distracting. "I found some cornflakes! I said cheerily, we have milk, there's also ...
    ... cinnamon toast crunch, you might like that. There's also buttermilk, I could make pancakes, or waffles, there's also chocolate, good stuff, and ice cream in the freezer." Maria pouted, "Any one would think you were more excited by that than me." Then she flashed me opening the robe. I froze looking at the cornflakes, and Maria, and not coming to a conclusion. She closed the robe and I managed to make a coherent thought. "Well, I haven't eaten them for 8 years, I ate you last night, but if you do that again, you WILL be breakfast." She closed the robe tighter. "You have your cornflakes, I'll try a taste, you could make me some of that cinnamon thing, it sounds tasty and expensive." "Well, the price of breakfast cereal is pretty outrageous in the country, but cinnamon is probably a lot cheaper now than it was in 1814." I poured the cereals and added the milk, pushing one bowl towards Maria. I started to eat my cornflakes, they were everything I'd dreamed of for 8 years, its funny the food you obsess over when you can't have them anymore. I was preoccupied, I didn't notice Maria blessing out on the crunch. "Mmm… I'm looking forward to what else this century has to offer. Did you say there was chocolate?" I dug out several medium sized bars, all good stuff, not Hershey, even the Cadbury didn't have the dreaded "Made in Hershey, Pennsylvania" imprint, but was imported from Borneville. Maria boggled at such riches. "That's a kings ransom in chocolate!" "Its only a few bucks worth, try ...