My Sister and I for the First Time part 4
Date: 8/4/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Oral Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: everlark
... pleasuring following pleasure as her orgasms continued. She held me so tightly, and for so long, what I felt like I was about to pass out from lack of air when her shaking finally gave way to minor trembling and her legs relaxed slightly. I pulled my head back an inch, took two deep breaths rich with the smells of the pleasure I had just coaxed out of my little sister, and dove back in. I was single minded in my dedication to give her as much pleasure as possible. I licked, sucked, flicked, kneaded, fingered, and whatever else I could think of to give her another orgasm. It was not long in coming, and then she was gasping out my name in between her incredibly fast and small breaths. Her legs locked around my head again as I coaxed her body into the maximum pleasure. Her hips bucked up, into my face as her back arched, and her entire ass lifted off the couch, her weight on my shoulders. Finally she came down from the euphoric high and slid, almost bonelessly, onto the couch. I gave her pussy one last kiss, causing her to twitch, and slid out from between her legs and back next to her. “How you doing?” I asked, grinning. Her breath was coming in long ragged gasps, and her eyes were completely unfocused, and she didn’t even seem to hear my question. Slowly, her breathing returned to normal, and lucidity returned to her gaze. Without warning, she launched herself at me, knocking me backwards onto the couch as she fell on top of me. She kissed me with a passionate, almost ...
... desperate, hunger. It took me by surprise, but I responded in kind, trying to put all my love into that kiss. “Fucking amazing.” Angie growled, in response to my question, once he had lifted her head enough to allow the passage of words between us. “How is it that every time you make me cum it is the best experience of my life?” “Because I love you?” I said, making it a question. “Good answer” A warm smile broke over her face, and she drew me into another long kiss. “I like tasting myself on you bro.” She giggled after we had broken off. “That’s fortunate. I like tasting you myself.” I replied with a grin, inordinately pleased with myself. “What do you think bro? Should we go dirty my sheets one more time before we need to clean them?” She asked me. I smirked in answer and drew her off of me. Upstairs, in her bedroom, our lips met again, and she threw her weight at me. The bed swept out my legs as I stepped back, and I ended up sitting upright, with my sister in my lap. We embraced tightly, but we needed to be closer than clothing would allow. Angie leaned back, and reached down to my waist, grabbing the hem of my shirt. She yanked it off, and I followed her lead, gently persuading her clothing it had no business being in the way. She had on a gray bra with little black hearts patterned on it. She rested her head softly on my shoulder and sighed contentedly. I kissed the back of her head. My hands lightly traced their way up and down the curves of her back, until they came to the ...