My Sister and I for the First Time part 4
Date: 8/4/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Oral Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: everlark
[This is the fourth and final installment in this series, taking place on Monday. I am sorry that this story took so long to write, but it is finally here. This is the culmination of the series up to this point, and it is true to the best of my abilities. I hope you enjoy it.] I woke up sticky, sweaty, smelly, sore, and smiling. Each of those could be directly traced to the beautiful young woman whose bed I was currently sharing. As I came fully awake, I noticed my sister had her hand wrapped around my cock and was pumping away. She saw my eyes open, or maybe heard the breath catch in my throat and looked up from her handiwork. I opened my mouth to speak, but her lips fell lightly fell across mine, stopping my words. Her hands rose up to my chest and she rolled her slight weight on top of me. Her hips rose, her knees fell and her hand trailed back down to my cock. She positioned me and slid down, excruciatingly slowly. The feeling of slipping inside my sister that slowly was almost more than I could take. I almost came right there and then, but finally, she stopped moving. I was completely unable to move, waves of pleasure arcing through my body. Her lips had a little smile on them, an indication that she knew what she was doing to me and she was in control. The look in her eyes though, that was of wild lust, just barely contained. She shuddered on top of me, sending a spasm of pleasure racing through me. In response I twitched inside of her. The wildness of the lust broke ...
... through whatever meager control she had remaining. She began to ride me, pulling up until just the head of my cock was still inside her and then slamming down. Faster and faster she moved, and my hands rose to her hips. I grabbed her hips with the intention of slowing her down to enjoy this moment more. My hands moved of their own volition, and instead of slowing her down, they began to raise and slam down my sister with wild abandon. I could feel my hips thrusting in time with her down strokes, and every movement sent shivers and twitches through my sister. I reached back, gripping her firm ass, and used the leverage to drive her down harder onto me in time with her thrusts. With wild abandon we both did our best to pleasure the other even more than they were pleasuring us, both of us failing in such a way that no one lost. The feeling of thrusting all the way out of her and then almost all the way back out in a heartbeat was exquisite. Her breath was coming in short gasps and her eyes rolled back in her head. The warm tightness wrapped around my cock further still, and I could feel that I would not last much longer. Thrusting down all the way, my sister let out a wordless scream and came. The feeling tossed me over the edge, and I joined her in climaxing. The feeling of her clamping me tightly as she shook in pleasure was matched only by the feeling of blasting my cum deep into my sister. Her orgasm heightened my own, and that in turn made me cum harder, heightening her ...