1. Court Record. Chapter Three

    Date: 8/1/2017, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Virginity Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... summer, the house staff knows nothing and they are too independent to even ask a question. Please let me stay just a while. You love me; right?” Sarah completed her plea with actual tears, “Yes Sarah, I love you.” Clem meant every word of it. He was way beyond how lonely his life would be again, after she was gone; way beyond the unbelievable adventure of having her here. It went way beyond what they had done upstairs, if fact he honestly wished the physical part had not happened. He was very deeply in love with the character that was Sarah; her maturity, her humor, her independence, her loving smile, and her loving ways. “Well then you are the only one in the world that does.” She continued, “We love one another and I want to be right here with you.” She sniffled and wiped a tear from her cheek. Clem looked off out the window. His eyes turned soft. His appeal had failed. “Go up and get some more clothes on, anything. You are driving me nuts. I am going down to put your bike back in the garage.” Sarah jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you, thank you; remember to shut the garage door tight!” Clem disappeared down the drive as Sarah headed up the steps. AFTERNOON When Clem got back to the house everything was quiet. Sarah was still up stairs. He sat down in his easy chair in the living room and waited. In a few minutes Sarah came down dressed in one of his golf shirts, blue which matched her eyes, her short skirt and shoes. It is just the providence of ...
    ... the young I guess, she looked absolutely radiant. Her hair was pulled back softly into a pony tail. The way she did it allowed a soft flow of hair on each side of her head and loose strands here and there around her face that curled in the sunlight. The color in his golf shirt lit up her blue eyes. The shirt was long enough that it covered her short skirt except when she moved certain ways. What a beautiful young woman. An extremely possessive thought welled up inside him. This beautiful girl moved about with his life throughout her body; he possessed her now. But, she also had his destiny completely in her hands. Who possessed whom? Sarah walked directly over to him in the easy chair and sat across his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck, and her legs draped over his arm and the side arm of the chair. “Thank you for letting me be here with you. I know it is difficult and dangerous. I know we can get in trouble. I have read a lot about it. We are going to make it work…you wait and see. I love you. This is the first time I have ever said that. This is the first time in my life I have felt it. I am so happy.” His whole body was again responding to the little lady on his lap that he now knew very well. His hand moved up her shapely legs until he found she was wearing nothing under her skirt. She did nothing to stop him. He moved on onward. She was damp from their night together; so wonderfully damp. Her knees parted slightly such that his fingers could have the access he ...