Court Record. Chapter Three
Date: 8/1/2017, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Virginity Young Author: Barbiebnympho
... so many ways, and she now thought she was head over heels in love with him. This was out of control. His freedom hung on such a thin thread; her love. Once in the garage he was nonstop action. He quickly set about working on the rusty old bike; one thing after another: far more than just inflating tires…he lubricate and tighten the chain…adjust the alignment of the handle bars and checked it over from stem to stern. He knew he was taking more time than he should, but she had to be safe on the way home, she needed time to get ready up at the house, and honestly he treasured ever moment until she rode away. Twenty minutes later he came out and headed back up to the house. To his dismay he found Sarah outside at the clothes line, still dressed in his T-shirt, hanging her panties on the line. He headed straight for her. He had to set this straight. He had to get her going. Every minute counted. The authorities would be looking everywhere for her. He fully expected her to be dressed and ready to head back up the road on that damn bike. How much of this did she think he could take? She had no idea how much he was going to miss her. She had her back toward him at the clothes line and she clearly did not hear him coming. As he approached she reached up with a clothes pin and the T-shirt move up behind her like a theater curtain. Clem was stopped in his tracks. He stood frozen behind her as she finished placing the first pin and bent down to the clothes basket for another. His ...
... reaction was painful. “Sarah, what in the hell are you doing. I have your bike ready to go down there. We are very late. The world may be out looking for you. Come on! Run in and get your clothes on. We have to get you up the road home.” Sarah turned and walked directly toward him. There was a confident air in her steps, but her firm determined steps were softened by her smile and the loving twinkle in her eyes. “Mr. Clem. You would not want me to go home with my panties like they were? Think about it. Hard evidence if they were found. I read books.” She laughed out loud and actually ran the last three or four steps into his arms. She stretched upward to kiss him. “They will be dry shortly. Let’s go in and eat some toast or something. I am starving.” With that she took his hand and pulled him over toward the back door. Sarah set the table and poured more coffee for them as Clem fixed some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. She ate with gusto, frequently looking across the table at him, “Mr. Clem, you know I don’t want to leave. I love it here. I love the smell of this place. Being with you is wonderful. Please let me stay awhile. My mother is in South America with her new lover, my dad is in Hong Kong with his new lover and I am here with you. It is that simple. What else do you need to know? The police are not looking for me. No one is. No one even knows I am gone. No one knows I exist. My mother knows nothing about me. My dad and his Cybil think someone took me to camp for the ...