Kaw#2 - Seabreeze
Date: 7/31/2017, Categories: Science-Fiction, Consensual Sex Erotica Male / Females Threesome Author: Brootforce
... singing of a thousand angels. It was a light tinkling thing that struck deep into the very bottom of his soul. “I think you are confused, Randal. I don’t need a ride. I am not trapped here. I am only waiting for you. Please, will you at least come and sit with me and let me answer some questions?” Randal started to move forward. As he drew closer to her he could see that she was very pale, almost alabaster in color. “Ma’am, I am not sure who you think I am…” “You are Randal Pendragon, you were born August twenty-fifth, nineteen-ninety. Your parents were killed in a car accident when you were nineteen years old. You have no living relatives and your wife of two years walked out on you. You have been granted a quick divorce do to your prenuptial agreement. You work for AXL Aerospace as a land management engineer. On your last birthday, you were so lonely you sought the solace of a prostitute for the first time in your life. She sold you her wares for half price in honor of your birthday. Shall I go on?” Randal paled, who was this woman and how did she know so much about him? “I have to admit you do know about me at least. I am sure we have not met though. I would remember someone as beautiful as you are.” “Thank you, my husband. Now could we please go to the rock and sit down? I have much to discuss with you and we have lots of plans to make.” “Why do you keep calling me your husband?” “I will explain all I can, if you will come with me and sit down. It is really a bit ...
... confusing. I do have some really fine Martian Brandy we can sip as we talk.” “Ma’am, are you trying to tell me you are an alien?” That delightful laughter rang out again. “I am not exactly an alien. I am not from the earth but my roots are laid down here. The man who designed me was born here. Please tell me how I can get you to come and sit with me. I have so much I need to talk about with you.” Randal thought he must be losing his mind. This woman was obviously crazy, but somehow he was not afraid of her. He walked the rest of the way towards her. As he arrived she offered her arm to him and he wrapped his in hers. Then she led him back into the cave and to the rock where she had been sitting. Once they were seated, she motioned with her hand and a glass appeared in it. Then she reached out and seemed to pluck a crystal decanter out of the air. From it she poured a snifter of brandy. Then she offered it to him. Randal held the glass up to his nose and smelled it. The scent was reminiscent of spring wildflowers and spice. Caution made him set the glass aside and turn to look at her. Seabreeze looked at him with a slight frown on her face. “I really will not poison you. I have no reason to do so. If I wanted to force you to stay, I could just reseal the cave. What I ask now must be voluntary. I can not force you to rewrite the future.” “Ma’am, the things you are saying are very confusing to me. I think I need to keep a clear head while we talk.” “You always will be stubborn. I think ...