Kaw#2 - Seabreeze
Date: 7/31/2017, Categories: Science-Fiction, Consensual Sex Erotica Male / Females Threesome Author: Brootforce
Seabreeze What is the purpose of a man? I was asked that once by one of my teachers. That was a long time ago on a planet so far away that it seems to be a dream now. I never could answer that question. Not until the events of that hot night. Now I know the answer. I was taught the answer by a very special woman. Her name is Seabreeze, and we stand now inside her looking through the glass between us and the stars beyond. How did this start? It started on that dream planet so long ago. Come sit down, and I will tell you a tale of how I was born. Are you sitting comfortably? --- Randal Pendragon was traveling through the deserts of New Mexico. He was one of those rare individuals who truly loved to be alone. The company at which he worked had sent him out here to survey a land parcel they had recently acquired. They planned to build a new test facility, and this god-forsaken place was where they wanted it. Randall could not figure out why they wanted it out here. He had camping equipment in the back of his jeep and he looked for a good area to set up, so he could explore in the morning. His recent divorce was still fresh in his mind and the time away would do him some good. The survey team would be out there in two days. He was supposed to supervise them and determine the best location to build the new facility. The evening sky was just darkening when he found a quiet spot at the base of a sheer cliff. It took him a little while to set up his tent and inflate his air mattress. ...
... Then he built a fire and started cooking his dinner. As his steak sizzled in the pan, he noticed a dim light above him. There was a cave about a hundred feet up the cliff. He could just make out the entrance of it because of the dim light coming from inside it. He wondered why he had not seen this cave when he pulled up. It was big enough that it should have caught his eye. He stepped to the other side of the fire so it was behind him and looked up at the cave. There seemed to be a ledge that zig-zagged across the face of the cliff. It looked like he could walk right up to the cave. He contemplated the cave as he ate. What could be causing that glow? It seemed to get brighter as time passed. He packed away his food supplies and locked them in the jeep. Then he wondered what kind of fool he was, as he pulled his flashlight out of his gear and started to walk towards the cliff. At the very base of the cliff he found the ledge. It was wide enough to walk on easily, and meandered back and forth as it went up the face of the cliff. He stepped onto the ledge and then pulled his foot back quickly. There had been a flash of anticipation. It had been the feeling of a long wait nearly being at an end. Why would he feel that way? Slowly, he extended his foot again and placed it on the path. He did not get that feeling again. He chalked it all up to imagination and started to climb the steep ledge. He would almost swear the glow was getting brighter as he moved upward. After a couple of ...