One Thousand Apologies - Part 1 (censored)
Date: 7/22/2017,
True Story
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
... and over in my mind. There were a couple stumbles, but they hadn’t mattered. This is what it was supposed to be like with a girl, what I had never really experienced. I had one girlfriend in 12th grade, who I met when her girl’s basketball team played at our school. I found the courage to find her number and phone her, and for weeks afterwards would rush home from school to call her and compare our days. As well as that went, she was twelve miles away (just down the road from where my cousins lived now) and I didn’t have a car. We had one official date, both of us dropped off by our parents at the mall so that we could see a movie. Several times in the theater when she turned to gaze in my eyes I just sat there and gazed back, caught up in the moment, oblivious as what to do next. A week later she called to tell me she decided to go to her prom with someone else instead. I was crushed. Sure, Hannah was my cousin, but we had carried on like a boy and girl were supposed to. Her age didn’t seem important. I hit my orgasm after about a hundred and twenty strokes, cleaned my cock with a paper towel, and drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was around eight the next morning when mom called upstairs, “Joe, Paul’s on the phone!”. Life as an only child allowed me some luxuries such as wearing boxers as I made my way down to the kitchen to answer the phone. “Joe, put ...
... some clothes on and come down to the playground to shoot hoops with me.” I wasn’t much of a basketball player, as I think my brain is wired to throw everything like a baseball, but it was nice to have a chance limber up in the cooler morning air. It was still only 65 out as I threw on some sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt and headed off to the old elementary school two blocks away, midway between my house and Paul’s. Paul was already hitting the ball off the backboard when I got there, and without turning to look greeted me with “So what’s up with your psycho cousin?” Paul was a smart-ass but I could always trust him for a objective analysis of my life. “She’s not pyscho, just a little bit out-spoken, I guess” I responded as Paul passed me the ball, but my shot nearly missed the entire backboard. “Well, I might have taken her up on that blow job, but I don’t really look good in an orange jump suit.” Is there something that attracts me to out-spoken people? Maybe it was my fear of offending someone, especially an object of my affection (or should I say lust) which made me admire people who didn’t have those fears. I also don’t care for factual inaccuracies “She didn’t say SHE was going to give you one, just that you looked like you needed one.” “True, I’ll have to give her credit on that one” Paul said as he hit all net. “Don’t look at me, I’m sure as hell not going to blow you.” This time I did miss the backboard and Paul went to chase it down. Returning, he gave a big smile as ...