One Thousand Apologies - Part 1 (censored)
Date: 7/22/2017,
True Story
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
This is a censored version of Part 1, posted only after the original version had been ripped out by the roots, twice, removing all comments and counts of view and votes, because it depicted teenagers in love. However, this morning I posted Part 4, and in fairness to new readers who would want to know how the story begins (and would not be able to if Part 1 and Part 2 are gone from the site), I am backing down and posting censored versions. This is a true story, with a beginning, middle, and end. How the story plays out depend on all the details, including the ages of the people in the story – therefor I cannot lie and pretend they were ages other than what they actually were. Instead I use a wink and a nod, never being explicit, so you can let your imagination fill in the blanks. FYI, the uncensored Part 1 had 36k reads and a 92.3% approval when it was yanked ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Thousand Apologies And knowing what I've done to you, With every thought you suffer through My heart as black as evil can And everything I could have been, Erased by what I wanted then I couldn't think a lesser man All the delicate ways That I deepened our graves My apology pales ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We buried my cousin last week. Fucking breast cancer - she was only forty eight. She had announced her illness on Facebook ...
... less than a year ago and lately it seemed like things were looking up. She talked about going to the doctor, but also a lot of happy stuff like family and singing in the church choir. Then I logged on and saw a post from her daughter that Hannah had died that morning. I thought maybe she’d have it beat, and then this. Still, she had lived her dream. She married her high school sweetheart, stayed married for twenty nine years, lived in a beach house on Florida's Gulf Coast, and had three daughters, two in college and the youngest in high school. And she did it without me, despite me. Her passing has flooded me with all these memories. It's been hard to keep myself focused, keep myself from breaking out in tears, and I can't explain it to my wife - just saying that Hannah and I had been so close when we were kids, even if we weren’t especially so now. We’d talk at reunions, and we watched each other’s kids (and my grandkids) grow up on Facebook. Nothing that would suggest how hard I’m taking this now. But to tell the truth, for a long time we didn’t even know each other. My aunt Tess, Hannah’s mom and my mom's sister, had never stayed with a man for very long. I’ve been told that Tess did very well in high school but was also very popular with the guys. She was seventeen, a senior, when she got pregnant, got married and dropped out of school - severely disappointing my grandparents who were expecting her to be headed off to college. After Dave was born, that shotgun marriage only ...