1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 1 (censored)

    Date: 7/22/2017, Categories: True Story Erotica Incest Masturbation Rape Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: Joe Long

    ... Carter”, as Hannah and I joined in the light applause. Hannah was then on her feet, face to the screen, yelling “c’mon Dave, rip this guy!” Up to that point, I had been paying very little attention to the game. It was the bottom of the 5th, Coke had runners on 1st and 2nd with two outs, but Sheraton was ahead 3-2. Dave settled into the left handed batter’s box, swung the bat a couple times over the plate, and awaited the first pitch. It was a curve from the right handed pitcher that looked outside, but the umpire called it strike. “Get a clue ump!” roared out from beside me. Wow, she could get into this, at least when her brother was playing. The next pitch was again a curve, but caught too much of the plate. Dave reached out and lined it over the first baseman’s head. The ball rolled down into the corner, and with two outs both runners scored easily. Dave stood at second base with Coke now ahead 4-3. Hannah had squeezed past me and was in the aisle, yelling “Woo, woo, way to go Dave” as she bounced up and down on the steps, hands held high. My eyes were focused on other things that were bouncing up and down. The next batter bounced back to the pitcher to end the inning, and one of his teammates took Dave’s first base glove out to him, waiting near the bag to play defense in this half inning. I took advantage of the break in our conversation to ask Hannah “c’mon into the press box, I want you to meet my friend Paul, we’ve been tight since like kindergarten.” As we walked ...
    ... through the door, Paul’s voice called out “Petey! Who’s your girlfriend?” “She’s my cousin.” Paul was relentless. “Sarcasm detector broken? I knew she wasn’t YOUR girlfriend.” I was obligated to continue the verbal duel. “Remind me why we’re friends? and look who’s talking, Paul.” “I’m still looking for a nice Jewish girl.” The both of still standing, Hannah gave me a poke. “Who’s Petey?” “Me. Joseph Peter Long, and Paul seems to think the “Peter Long” part of that is hilarious, and just likes to constantly call attention to it. He really can be a pain in the ass sometimes.” Hannah got a big grin and told me “It’s not like your name is Dick Head or Harry Dick or something! Now that would be bad.” That got everyone in the press box laughing. “Well, ANYWAY , Paul, this is my cousin Hannah, she’s Dave Carter’s sister, the guy who just got that hit for Coke. They’ve been out in Colorado for a few years and just moved here. She’s got another younger sister - around here somewhere. They like to come to the games, and I’ve been hanging out with them, catching up on lost time.” Hannah cut in to say “and now my mom has him babysitting me! Paul gave her a look over and said “Loosk like you’re old enough to take care of yourself.” Hannah poked an elbow in my ribs as she answered, “That’s what I told him .” Paul had the Pirates on his transistor radio, setting on the counter and playing at a medium volume. I helped Hannah into a folding chair by the radio that looked out through the ...