Ty and Charlie: Part 3
Date: 7/17/2017,
True Story
Boy / Boy,
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: gamer19
... floor of the car. I shuddered for a brief minute and then continued jerking him off. "Charlie must have way better stamina than me" , I thought. My mind was still reeling from my orgasm. Of course as I was thinking that, He shot into my hand and all over himself as well. We stopped kissing each other and he found a box of tissues on the floor to clean ourselves up a bit. Right after that, we looked at eachother and started kissing again. We kept kissing for the next few minutes and then I paused, pulling away from him. "I really wish I could keep you out all night", I said with a chuckle. "I wish I could too, but I really should start to head back soon." I hadn't had quite enough of him yet so I leaned in to kiss him again for another minute or so before I agreed we should probably head back. On the way back to my car, he placed his hand on my leg and I smiled massively. I though to myself that I really liked Charlie a lot. Not soley because of what we had just done together, but mostly from dinner and walking around with him a few nights before, I genuinely enjoyed being with him. Maybe even loved him. I don't know if it's a little early to say, but I knew I liked him a lot and not much else. As we got back to my car, we sorted out who's "to go/leftover" box was who's. I looked at him again and kissed him quickly, wondering if I should say ...
... that I might love him or if it would be too awkward. I backed off that thought and didn't say anything though because I didn't want to ruin the moment if he didn't feel the same. I just grinned and we both said goodnight. Before I left though, I grabbed the bag in my car and tapped on his window. "So....I thought this might keep you occupied on the plane" , I said with a grin as I handed him the book world records book we had been looking at on the night we were waiting for the movie. "No you didn't!!" , Charlie responded with the a smile that was ten miles wide. "I remembered you liked those and thought that would be a good idea" "It was! Thank you Ty!" , he said as he leaned up to kiss me from his car. "I'm going to read it tonight!" "I'm glad you like it so much" , I replied. "I'll see you later, alright?" "Ok, I'll text you if I have time to see you again before I leave. Goodnight!" "Goodnight!" And that's a wrap for now everyone. I will write more if we see each other sooner, but this is likely it for the next few months. Let me know what you think in the comments and I also have a poll for you. I really do like Charlie but I'm not sure I should tell him that I might love him. What do you think? Or, "Charlie", if you happen to read this and figure out that I'm talking about you in this story, you know how to find me and tell me what you think.