Ty and Charlie: Part 3
Date: 7/17/2017,
True Story
Boy / Boy,
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: gamer19
A.N. First off, this will likely be the last one I write for while. I'm back from break and taking classes again and Charlie is going to study abroad this semester, so unless one of us finds a way across the pond, we won't see each other for a while. And secondly, I want to say thank you for reading what's been going through my mind and giving me all of those positive comments, you guys are seriously awesome. Last of all, to the person who sent me a PM, yes I did change our names in the story because I'm not out yet and not comfortable using my real name and I also don't think he would like me to use his real name either. The second, and even first to be honest, time I was with Charlie was incredible. Every single thing we did played through my mind again and again. When I was working, when I was in class, when I was home, out with friends, watching tv......you get the picture. He occupied a lot of space in my mind everyday. Thinking about him and me and getting dinner or coffee or walking around together or seeing a movie, I couldn't help but feel happy and notice a grin making it's way to my face. A few days later, we are texting and one of us brings up the idea of going farther. Charlie: doing that in a car would be so awkward though Ty: I know. The other night was a lot of fun but we're both kinda tall to do that in a car, i think. what if we stayed over at one of our houses for the night? i could probably get my parents out for a night Charlie: yeah that might work. ...
... let's do something this weekend and figure out when that might work. Ty: ok yeah, when's good for you? Charlie: probably monday night, maybe sunday also but lets plan for monday. Ty: ok, it's a date! I kept thinking about doing more with Charlie. I mean, he is kind of hot and all, but he's also a nice guy and I felt like he would go slowly with me since I've never done anything before. Then after a couple hours I thought to myself, "he felt pretty big last night and I've never......hmmm, I know he's done stuff before, he must know...." I tentatively took out my phone and shot him a text. Ty: hey um, does it you know....hurt the first time, or does it fade? (Yes I know, I don't know a single thing about having sex with another guy. I'm completely innocent in that respect, no argument.) Charlie: only if you go too fast or you aren't relaxed or loosened up before. have you tried fingering yourself or using toys? Ty: no, i never have. sorry, i sound like i know nothing Charlie: you should experiment on your own, it feels great when you get used to it :) . it would definetly hurt if you've never tried and don't know what to expect. Ty: so when i get used to someone's dick being there, then it feels good? Charlie: yeah, it's weird at first but try it tonight and use a ton of lube. i'm surprised you haven't tried fingering yourself before. Ty: idk why but it just seemed weird for some reason. Charlie: well try and tell me how it goes :) Ty: you bet :) Ok so that made me feel a little ...