1. My Way of Doing Things

    Date: 7/13/2017, Categories: True Story Incest Young Author: Shauna

    ... girlfriends have told me; I remember feeling that Father was giving me the love that he always gave his wife – my Mother. It’s different now, because Father took me to the county Health Off and I am on The Pill so we can fuck just any time. The more often, the better. Sometimes, when Father first gets home in the evening, I like to greet him as though I were his wife: At the door with a kiss. I do some of the cooking now and I am gaining confidence. Tonight was lasagna. We laugh about stories I tell from school goings-on. I try to get him to tell me about his day, but he’s reluctant to go into much detail. He’s a lawyer in a mid-sized law firm and does a lot of estate and tax planning. Yuck, you might say – but, we’re doing all right for money, it seems. It’s 2:25 in the morning and this evening (last night, really) after dinner, we snuggled on the sofa and watched an old movie in black and white on the Turner channel, after it went off, he switched to HBO and the “Real Sex” show where we watched a bunch of old people in California, beating drums and talking about sex; they were all nude and it seemed like there was some sort of guru teaching them about how to have orgasms. Shit, all you have to do is fuck the right way. And I said that to Father, whereupon he reached to my braless breasts and pinched a nipple and dared me to show him. “Come on, Old Man, I’ll show you how to fuck like a teenager!” And took him by the hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom. Father likes for ...
    ... me to talk dirty; he says that I look so sweet and innocent that gutter words from me carry a different effect. I stood before him, naked, my ankles together and my arms down by my sides. Still dressed, he fell to his knees and began to kiss my breasts. “God, I love your little titties,” he breathed, kissing his way down toward my belly; when he reached the top of my sparse pussy hair, he just rubbed his nose back and forth so that I could feel the hairs parting and reforming as his face passed. “Father, take off your clothes and do something to me, will you?” “What do want me to do?” “Suck my cunt, Motherfucker! He quickly shucked out of his suit and draped it over the chair near the door and scooped me up in his arms and tossed me onto the bed. I laughed and said, “Do you like to see your little girl all spread out like this for you? See my pussy opened up and glistening wet for a big dick to be plunged deep in me? See my little-girl titties with the nipples hard and erect because I am so ready for a good fucking?” “Goddamn it, Woman! You are so hot and so nasty! I am going to pump you so full of cum, you will still be leaking into your gym shorts tomorrow.” (I love it when he calls me “Woman.”) He covers me and I feel his big dick sticking between my legs and I reach for it and rub it up and down my little slit. I raise my legs on either side and he begins to penetrate me. Slowly as I help him, I feel him filling my cunt until he is completely seated to the hilt. I don’t ...