My Way of Doing Things
Date: 7/13/2017,
True Story
Author: Shauna
I need to tell this all to someone. So, I’ll just start: I am thirteen and two months, my name is Francine, or just Fran. I’m in the eighth grade and I am “sexually active” as they might say on Dr. Phil. I live with Father. Mother died four months ago of cancer. It was really bad – ugly – I hate everything in the world to do with cancer. And I think a lot of bad doctors are making big money off of it without really trying to do anything to cure it or keep it from happening. I am 5 feet tall, and I weigh 97 pounds butt naked. Father told me about this site, because I asked him some questions about sex, and I have read a lot of stories. I got real depressed after Mother left us and my therapist recommended masturbation for some reason. Well, I watch some of the videos and get off, but it is the stories that I like the best because my imagination in picturing the events is better than videos. Father is pretty sharp about some things, I guess. So I got an account and decided to tell my story. After Mother died, I leaned on Father pretty hard. I would sneak into his bed after he went to sleep, just so I could have him near. In the mornings, he would hold me and tell me that it was all right if I did this and that he understood. I liked the being held part best of all. More and more, I would ask if I could start out the night sleeping beside him. He let me. Over time, maybe a month or so, I would cuddle right up against him as though I were cold. One night however, it all ...
... seemed to change. I don’t really remember all the details, but I do remember lying there and being so hot that I couldn’t stand it. I threw the covers down from my side of the bed but that didn’t help. My PJs were sticking to me and I felt smothered so I unbuttoned the top. I asked Father if I could just take off my top and he said that I could if it would make me more comfortable. He turned on the lamp and looked at me and told me that I had pretty breasts and that I was growing up to look more and more like Mother. Well - I do look like her. I have light brown hair, not too long and my pussy hair is almost light brownish red. I have a little hair under my arms and I’ll never shave – Mother didn’t – and I think she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Back to that night: I lay there in a heat I’ll never forget. Without asking, I slid my PJ bottoms down and tossed them on the floor. Father looked me over more acutely and said that I was beautiful all over and that he would like to kiss me. I turned to him and offered my lips which he gently covered with his own. Soon, we were kissing like I think lovers do, and his hands were on my little boobs and then his hand found my pussy. Now, no one else had ever touched me there although a few boys have tried. I felt the hardness of his erect penis against my stomach. I touched it and then wrapped my hand around it, barely encircling the shaft. Like I said, the details are hazy, but clearly we fucked. I don’t remember pain like my ...