A girl I'm really into gave me a surprise blowjob
Date: 6/28/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Blowjob Erotica Author: Unknow user
... serious libido flatline just before meeting her and I even thought I had erectile dysfunction. Turns out all I needed was this jump start from a girl with whom I have incredible chemistry. So not only is this girl cute, sexy, and funny, but she seriously does not stop sucking my dick. Last night she wouldn't stop sucking me till no joke 2 o clock in the morning. She started while we were halfway through watching a hockey game, then continued on after with the occasional break for me to recharge. She just kept it going even while we watched funny sitcoms and a documentary I honestly didn't pay much attention to. With each orgasm I would be even more out of breath than the last and let out increasingly exhausted sighs of pleasure followed by variations of "jesus christ, sweetheart. You're incredible" to get one of those adorable giggles out of her. I got off so many times that my dick is sore and raw today (aside from me being tired as hell at work after being up all night). On my lunch break today she jokingly texted "wanna make out?" and I just replied "lol sure. Wanna meet at my apartment?" which luckily is around the corner from my work. So she came over, and sure enough, making out meant deepthroating me before I had to go back to work. I almost feel guilty that she gives me a blowjob even if we hang out for just a moment. I don't immediately ask for it even though I really wanted her to time and time again. But when I ask she gets really excited. I told her "feel free ...
... to surprise me with it if you ever want to do it." And she simply said "I really like when you ask me or tell me what to do". All I have ever had to do during kissing was pause with our faces still close, then whisper "can you suck on me a little?" and she would get this huge smile on her face and practically rip my pants open. She's an absolute angel. I have never dated a girl that I get along with so well, and felt this good sexually ever. Another time, she was laying over me. Like if you were laying next to someone parallel, and they sat up and leaned over to give a blowjob. In this position while she was sucking me, I was able to reach down the back of her pants and caress her bare ass under her underwear. I kept going until I could reach her pussy with my fingers and holy shit was she ever wet. She was not joking when she said sucking dick gets her off. So this time I fingered her while she did it, and the vibrations in her mouth from moaning made it even better. Believe it or not we've only had sex one time, but it was great! After that one time though she started her period (this was like two days ago). As soon as she's off it I think we're going to have quite a fuck fest. And then cuddling and laughing together in between sessions, it's just like high school all over again. Except the sexual experimenting is replaced by sexual experience. She came over last night and I made myself a promise it would be strictly non-sexual. I wanted her to know that I appreciate and ...