A girl I'm really into gave me a surprise blowjob
Date: 6/28/2017,
True Story
Author: Unknow user
So I recently got out of a four year relationship. It was with a girl I can say I was truly in love with, but was very oblivious to how much of our relationship's shortcomings that we ignored. She was very quiet around my friends, never wanted to try new things, didn't really have a cheery attitude as much as I wanted her to (and needed to be surrounded by). But she was a cool girl, pretty, sweet, and we made a lot of memories together. Time just went on and neither of us were aware that it was actually pretty boring and we were just sticking it out. We eventually split up because as we became more mature we finally did discover we weren't right for each other. I was absolutely miserable though. I had to move out and be alone and all I could think about was her. I would have to hide my sulking at work, I would go home and sit in the dark and drink. It was pathetic. I kept going to work though, kept trying to do things I love to do, but it was a struggle. My depression was really exacerbated but over time I regained my emotional independence from it and just moved on. During this recovery period I hadn't so much as spoke to a girl. Just hung out with the dudes for good ol' bro support. After some time passed, I finally did meet a cute girl while hanging out downtown. We talked for a bit and decided to go grab a drink at this cool sports bar with pool tables, foozball, all that kind of stuff. She had never been there and it has since become our little spot to hang out. We're ...
... both 30, but she looks way younger than that. She has a demeanor of a younger girl too, but she's mature in her own ways and really adorable in others. She is a perfect height, like not too short, but just the right height where we have really good hugs. She has beautiful, shimmering dark brown hair like out of a L'Oreal commercial, really cute bangs, dark beautiful brown eyes, and olive skin with the most adorable freckles on the bridge of her nose that follow down under her eyes. When she giggles her nose scrunches up and she has the cutest smile. Everything about her lights up the room. Just a really positive, fun loving, and wonderful girl that I feel like I have been waiting for my entire life. She and I clicked so unbelievably well. Coincidentally, we were both just out of 4 year relationships (not immediately out of them, we weren't a rebound for each other as both of us had been single for at least 4 or 5 months). And wow, has she ever brought joy into my life. Every time I'm with her we just laugh, and play, and kiss, and cuddle, rinse and repeat (we were not sexual, just dating at a slow pace). We told each other all of our life's stories, all the food, music, and activities we loved, the things we want to do with our lives, everything. It was just a real, genuine connection that I can honestly say I've never felt with someone. Now something that was missing from my last relationship was... really dirty sex. Even though we (my ex and I) did have sex, she just didn't ...