1. Neighborhood Mom, Part IV - Things get Dirty

    Date: 6/20/2017, Categories: True Story Author: luvsumcameltoe

    ... hand. Her expression was horny fascination. She liked what I was doing. I could tell. I focused back down there again and as her stream slowed, I began to rub her pussy slowly, so her whole crotch was glistening with it. I felt C's hand on my cock again. No! I really needed to pee and if she started that I wouldn't be able to. I pulled her hand away. "Not yet - I have to pee too! After!" She stopped. I'm not sure what I expected - I guess I thought she would get up now that she was done, so I could have a turn. She didn't move. Was she not done? I didn't even hear any drips anymore. I looked at her face again. She was smiling at me. "I hope you can aim!" she said. She sat back, moving her hands to her thighs, and opened her legs wide. "Go ahead!" I must have gone comatose for a second. What was she saying? Did she want me to... "Go ahead!" she said emphatically. C wasn't a small woman. She wasn't fat - she just had a full figure, and she was tall - like 5' 10" tall. With her legs fully parted and herself pushed back against the tank, the gap from her crotch to the seat edge wasn't overly large. And I'd cum so much in the past 12 hours...and I was hard. Was she crazy? This would be a mess! But she was serious. She wanted me to go for it. Ok... I did my best to aim carefully. She watched closely. It took me a minute to relax and finally I felt it begin to flow. But it didn't come out in one tidy stream. More like a corroded garden hose nozzle, it spewed and went everywhere. ...
    ... All over her thighs, her mound and her crotch. She sucked her stomach in, pulling her shoulders forward. I tensed and it stopped. She moved her hands to her mound, pushing it in, and distending her clit upward, lips slightly spread, like she was inspecting the damage. See! I knew it was a bad idea. "Keep going!" she commanded. Oh. Clearly she didn't think it was a bad idea. "But...it's going all over!" I said nervously. "So!?!? Keep going!" I breathed deeply and relaxed again. It started again. We both stared at her crotch as it splattered over her and began dripping off of her. Now it was full force, and it was going to go for a minute or two. She hunched her shoulders further, her hands tightening against her lower belly, distending her clit further. One hand moved to her clit and she began to work it as my pee splashed on it. Suddenly, this was way hot. I moved my aim. Directly at her pussy. She sucked in her breath and let out a low moan as her fingers, flat against her clit, worked furiously. Her breathing quickened and she started letting out intermittent gutteral moans. I felt myself running empty. I tightened my stomach, trying to push more out. I didn't want to stop now. I pushed it all out while she lost herself, staring at her own fingers working her own pussy. I was enthralled. But still, my bladder ran dry. There was no more. I stood there not sure what to do next. For a few moments, C kept going while it dripped off of her. She stopped. Took a few deep breaths. ...