Neighborhood Mom, Part IV - Things get Dirty
Date: 6/20/2017, Categories: True Story Author: luvsumcameltoe
If you haven't read the first two parts yet, you may want to so you understand how this starts. Summary of the first post is that I was a teen and used to assist a woman in her forties (calling her "C" in the post here to protect her privacy) who lived in the next neighbourhood. C was divorced and had one daugher left at home ("K" - about 16). After having peeped on her masturbating while mowing her lawn, a few weeks later she walked in on me in the bathroom while trying to pee with a raging hard on and sucked me off. We then began a tryst. This chapter picks up the morning after we had sex the first time. We had talked and agreed to keep it from her daughter K, and that we would never turn the other down, no matter when, where or what they wanted to try. I passed out and slept like a rock for several hours. I woke gradually. First that half-sleep where you know morning has come but you're not ready to wake yet. K was already up and I could hear her fussing about in the room. I could tell there was sunlight softly ebbing through the blinds. I was wearing a pair of boxers with a sheet pulled over me. The rising sun had warmed the room. I moved a little and could still smell the sex on me from the night before. I wanted to move and kick the sheet off to be more comfortable but had a serious morning wood situation. It was odd I was still asleep. Usually C would come in and wake us both, especially if K had to work in the morning. She was always so chipper in the morning. After ...
... a few minutes I drifted back to sleep. I began having those half waking dreams - the super vivid ones that you have to shake off to return to reality when you wake up. Hot dreams. I don't recall now what they were - I just remember that when I woke from them, I was incredibly horny. In my sleep I must have kicked off the sheet and I woke partially on my side, facing the room (my bed was against a wall). The room was quiet. K must be off to work. I squinted my eyes open. K was not off to work. She was standing near her dresser, facing me. As my eyes focused on her she turned away quickly. And I was suddenly aware of my hard on - sticking straight up in my boxers. I quickly let my eyelids drop again and pretended to fall back asleep. It was awkward, but it was hot. She had been checking out my boner, I knew it. Would she turn back around? My ears were burning, listening for any shift. She did turn around but walked promptly out of the room. It was after 7:30. I knew she had to be to work at 8. Usually she left a half hour before work. I could hear noise from the kitchen and C and K's voices. I could smell breakfast. I reached down and felt my boner. Damn. It was so hard. And I was so horny. I wanted more. Greedy. Hungry. More. C's words replayed in my head. "Anytime...Anything you want...If you want me, just take me...I'll never say no." My mind began to wander thinking of what I wanted. What did I want to try? I wasn't sure, but her mouth on my cock was thrilling. Something ...