One Thousand Apologies - Part 1
Date: 6/16/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday night Dave played the early game, me the late one, at the stadium. I got there around 7:30 and sat with Tess and the girls before I had to be on the field to get ready for my game. I hadn’t eaten yet so I got some chicken and fries at the concession stand. Again Hannah made a little game, with me batting away her hand as she tried to sneak a fry from my tray. I teased her, offering a fry and pulling it back. I reminded Aunt Tess that Dave was staying and that I’d bring him home, but it might not be until around 11. She was fine, “No drinking!” but Hannah was upset. “Mom, can’t I stay and watch Joe’s game? He can bring me home too!” How was I going to put this? “Dave and I are going to go do some guy stuff, he wanted it to be just the two of us.” I don’t know how well Aunt Tess decoded my language, but she backed me up. “C’mon honey, Joe and Aunt Meredith and Uncle Chris are coming to our pool party tomorrow, you can see all of them then.” Hannah didn’t seem very satisfied, and turned back to the game, saying very little to me over the final inning. I pinch ran in the 6th and played right field for an inning. Not much glory for me, but we won 6-2, were still in 2nd place, and looked like a lock for the playoffs between the top four teams. I met Dave on the concourse and we walked out to my car, where we stripped off our uniforms and got back into our street ...
... clothes. I told him about Hannah’s little snit when she was told she couldn’t stay and go out with us. “Fuck her” was his response, and without really thinking I came back with “The thought had crossed my mind.” “Dude!” It took about five minutes to get to one of the middle class neighborhoods that was in towards downtown. If I parked there we’d be close to many potential meeting places. Most of the teenagers hung out on channel 11, but it was really crowded, so any ‘private’ (it was still over the public air waves, anyone could listen in) conversations were usually taken to another less used channel. We were on, trading the mike back and forth, for maybe 15 minutes when Tweety Bird arrived. I’d talked to her before, she was 14 and went to the city schools. Dave wanted to take the lead. “Breaker, breaker, how about that Tweety Bird.” “This is Tweety Bird.” She had a little deeper voice, perhaps she was a smoker. “This Sylvester, how you doing tonight, hon.” Sylvester? I wasn’t quite sure where he was going with this. “I don’t think I’ve heard you on here before, Sylvester. How did you get that handle?” Dave thought he was so smooth. “Well, what does Sylvester always want to do to Tweety Bird?” We heard her mike click, but only dead air for a second or two until we heard her giggling. “So where you at?” I whispered Dave our location. “We’re on DuPont St. Is that close to you?” “A few blocks - we?” “Yeah, my cousin’s with me. How about we stop by? “Uh…OK, sounds like fun” and she ...