One Thousand Apologies - Part 1
Date: 6/16/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
... as hell to get a car with mom and Doc both working – and I’m about ready to bust a nut. I haven’t been with anyone since I got here.” I had to laugh. “Poor baby, why don’t you just go to the bathroom and take care of it yourself?” “This dick is made for chicks, jacking off is for wimps.” I couldn’t let that go unchallenged. “I’m hitting tonight, I’ll show you who’s a wimp.” “Well anyway, how about we go cruising after the game Friday. I play the early game at the stadium, and can hang around until you’re done with the late game. Mom can take the girls home. It sounded like he had this all worked out. “OK - Friday, I’ll show you the town.” Left field and batting 9th. Not very glorious, but the way I hit lately I was lucky to be in the lineup at all if I wasn’t pitching. I can still picture batting practices during 16 year old tryouts. The coach was a 37 year old former minor league pitcher. “I’m going to throw it as hard as I can, show me what you can do.” The first pitch bounced into the left field stands. The second landed half way up. The third cleared everything and landed in someone’s backyard. I made the team, but rode the bench with a good veteran squad, playing maybe one game a week, but I was proud to wear the uniform. Then dad wouldn’t let me play at 17 while I looked for a job in a town with 20% unemployment. When I came back last year my timing was shot - I swung and missed through so many pitches. In the first two innings, I could ...
... see Aunt Tess, Hannah and Donna sitting in the first base bleachers (not 15 feet from the base line), and they all gave me excited waves as I came jogging in from left. When I finally stepped into the batter’s box in the 3rd, they weren’t as kind, with their son/brother on the mound (even if I knew it was all in good fun.) Hannah’s voice boomed over the infield. “C’mon, Dave, strike the bum out!” Out of the right handed batter’s box, I looked up to give her a death stare, and she stuck out her tongue in response. It would have added to my legend if I hadn’t swung through the high 2-2 fastball for strike three. “Son of a bitch” I muttered on the way back to the dugout. I managed a walk and a grounder to short the other two times up, but Dave had a hell of a game, beating us 3-1, with 9 K’s in a 7 inning complete game. The game was over just after 8 and I met up with the family behind the backstop. Dave deserved his congratulations “Great game man, but you’re lucky I didn’t take you deep!” “Pfft…you’d be the lucky one.” Hannah snuggled up beside me, both hands around my right arm, looked up with these big puppy dog eyes with the sarcasm just dripping off her voice and cooed “Oh, I’m so sorry for picking on you! But he is my big brother you know, got to stick with family.” There were lots of fans, players and their families milling around. Anyone who saw us, and didn’t know she was my cousin, would have thought…Fuck it, why do I need to tell anyone? ...