Neighborhood Mom, Part II
Date: 6/15/2017, Categories: True Story Author: luvsumcameltoe
... scope out the situation a bit more. I went to C's window at the side of the house. That same window where I'd first seen her naked. The blinds were partially open, but the room was too dark to see much. The morning sun wasn't at her sliding glass door yet. I could see the shape of her body in bed, but under the covers. Fuck. I'd come too early. I should have waited till 9 or 10 like I usually did. Damn it. I headed back to the shed. In my disappointment, my hard on was completely gone. Oh well. Might as well just get the mowing underway. I dragged the mower to the front yard - furthest from K's room. Maybe she would sleep through it. I mowed the front lawn, dutifully. Usually I waited to trim until after I'd mowed both lawns, but maybe if I waited, K would stay asleep but C would wake up. I went to get the trimmer. Peeked in C's window again. She had moved, but still appeared to be asleep. I trimmed the front lawn impatiently, stopping every few minutes to peer back into C's window, hoping, just hoping she would have wakened. No such luck. A break would be good, I'd take a break to give it some time before I started mowing the back. I went into the house, got a Pepsi and made a beeline for the back patio. As I walked past C's computer near the patio door I noticed something on the floor. Panties. Wow...she had taken them off while chatting...just like she said. They were crumpled near the chair, just under the desk. I moved the chair carefully to not make noise, and picked ...
... them up. Based on the size, I knew they had to be C's - K was petite. Nothing special - just ordinary cotton panties - dark blue. I unfurled them, feeling that familiar tingle in my crotch as my cock stiffened in the leg of my jeans. The crotch of the panties had a big whitish splotch in it. Wet panties. Now dried of course. I smelled it and instantly felt creepy for doing that...but the smell was intoxicating. I touched the crotch of them...right where her pussy had been, and in my mind it was like I was touching her pussy itself. I could see her wearing them. I was hard again. I wanted to...do...something...with them. I didn't want to put them down. But do what? What if she noticed they were missing? That would be creepy. I debated for a minute or two while rubbing the soft fabric between my fingers...I couldn't put them in my pocket, my jeans were too tight. I better just put them back. But...I couldn't...I just couldn't...it would be like...putting back my arousal. I balled them up in my fist and tip toed quietly to the bathroom. I was very stealthy. I made no noise down the hall to the bathroom. I entered and shut the door very slowly behind me, holding the knob back so it wouldn't click when the latch caught. My heart was pounding a million miles an hour and my cock straining at my jeans. I could feel my face flushed. This was so wrong. But I was so going to do it. As I carefully released the knob, the latch clicked anyway. Not loud probably, but to me it sounded like a ...