Neighborhood Mom, Part II
Date: 6/15/2017,
True Story
Author: luvsumcameltoe
... back out to the living room. For a few seconds I just stood there in the bathroom processing what had just happened. It was weird. But I liked it. A lot. I quickly collected my bearings - it might seem strange to her if I just stayed in there. I made my way back to the living room, trying my best to be nonchalant. I really didn't know what to do, or how to act. I wanted more. I knew that much. But maybe she was just "helping me out"? Maybe that was it, and as much as she was willing to do? The way I was raised I knew absolutely nothing about women and sexuality. Now looking back, I know at that moment, it was "open season" and I could have made whatever moves I wanted to without fear...but I didn't know then what I know now. So I avoided eye contact and sat back down at the computer, focusing back on my work. She pulled a chair up near me and continued to watch what I was doing. She must have noticed that I was quiet - she seemed to talk more now, almost like she was worried I was uncomfortable. After a while she rubbed my shoulders some more. When I finished my work, we went to bed like normal - I retired to the spare bed in her daughter K's room, and she to her bedroom. Except before I went to bed she asked me if we could just keep that between us. I said of course. The next morning we left on about our days as usual. Maybe that was all that was going to happen. The next few days I had things to do at home and couldn't go over to C's house. But I thought about it a lot. ...
... Constantly in fact. I replayed it over and over again in my head. I fantasized about her nipples peeking from her braless t-shirt, and her taking it off to show me those enormous titties. I fantasized about touching her pussy. And I masturbated constantly. 6, 7, 8 times a day. Until I was so sore I couldn't touch it anymore. And in the evenings, as always, we would chat over IM. The chat was the same as before - general small talk, technical questions, etc. The first night, I didn't bring up anything until I had to pee, and then I messaged her that I had to pee and I'd be right back. Would she take the bait? Would she say anything? She just said "ok" and a winky face. When I got back she asked if I felt better. Yes, The end. I let it go. The second night, same thing, similar response...the conversation went no further. That must be must have been a 1 time thing. Bummer. The third night chatting, I was horny as hell and I got up more nerve. I didn't even know how to come on to a woman, really. But I wanted *some* kind of rise out of her. I didn't have to pee but I told her I did, Again, winky face and OK. So I fired back "Want to help? ;)". And then waited. No response. And then I started to count I had left to pee. I'd say I was back in a few minutes. Watching the clock...30 seconds...a minute...and then "ding" - message. "Love to ;)" Instantly I was hard, Rock hard. Painfully hard, but I couldn't reply back right away...I was supposed to be away peeing. Time ...