The Highschool Life of Ry Ch.1
Date: 5/31/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Its_Ry_Bruh
... relaxed knowing everything, right now, is perfect. I felt her smile as she put my head in between her wet lips, feeling the tip of her tongue pressing up against my tip. I moaned her name as she began taking the whole 7 inches into her warm mouth, her tongue now encircling and swishing around the head of my cock like she was cleaning it. "Holy shit Jules" was all I could muster up to say as she began drooling on my cock and slurping up any saliva and precum that escaped her mouth. My friends, this was heaven. "Do you like it Ryan?" She asked, blowjob-eyeing me as she sucked on my cock. "Yes!" I sighed, needing more "Do you like your cock in the hole i soak from baby?" She managed to say with a mouthful if my dick in her jaws. "What we you saying earlier, you know in the car... something about asking stupid questions?" Julia hesitated for a moment before biting the shaft of my dick gently, teasingly. "Oww!!!what are you doing" I asked, half laughing, half hurting. "Only I can be a smartass hun, you have the ass down...just not the smart" she said as she took a break from gobbling my cock and starting stroking firmly and fast. "You're right, i do have the ass...your ass" I said confidently, see I'm pretty smart. She's just mean. At that she stood up, letting go of my cock and folded her arms and put on a poutyface. "Whaat Jules, I'm kidding why'd you stop?" I asked putting on a poutyface of my own. She ignored what i asked and started to get dressed with the clothes she ...
... originally had on, climbing over me to grab the shirt I originally moved. "Wow what's up Jules?" I asked confused. I hate when girls day shit or joke around but when you say something or joke, they can't take it. At least that's why I r think she's upset. Honestly i didn't know. "Lets go, I'll take you home"Julia said flatly as she headed out the bedroom. "Alright..- I'm sorry if i said or did anything Jules. If I did just tell me". She ignored me as she walked down the hall. Before heading down the stairs she replied "you aren't sorry, if you were you would know why. Right now you are only sorry because you don't want the sex to stop" she said with a hint of stiffling in her voice. "Really Jules? Are you being serious right now? "I asked, watching her walk down the stairs, ignoring my reply. She was totally right, why would I apologize for something I either didn't do or didn't know I did? She was also right about only saying it for the sex to go somewhere which made me feel a tiny bit sorry. I finished getting dressed and turned off the xbox after reading "you have been kicked from the game due to inactivity". I headed down the stairs, seeing the doors and gate open meaning Julia was already it at the car. I closed all the doors behind me and walked up to the car. I opened the door as quick as I could before she could lock it. I opened it, but only because she didn't try to lock it. Now I know something is up. She exited the driveway and started to head out of the neighborhood. As ...