Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... while Sal looked to be in a little pain. "Sal, am I hurting you? I'll stop." "It's not a big hurt, kind of like a little stinging. It feels good when you touch me down there. I'll be ok." "You're sure?" "Damn it, How would I know, I've never done this before" she said. I noticed her looking at Barb whom I've yet to cease fingering. Barb must have sensed her looking because she just turned her head to Sal and told her it felt wonderful. I looked at Sal again with raised eyebrows. She got the message and nodded her head. Ok, with approval from both, I finger fucked them for at least ten or fifteen minutes and soon had them squirming on my fingers, any pain forgotten. After getting both girls off, I looked at Tracy and asked him if he could do it and be as gentle as I had. Never having done this, he was a little sheepish but game to try. "Ok ladies, Tracy is gonna try this out. It's his first time too, so let him know if it makes you uncomfortable. Tracy then lathered up his hands and inserted them into both love holes. He looked up at me astonished and said: "Damn, I never knew girls were this tight. I can barely move my fingers around." "Well, enjoy it while you can because they won't always be that way." I said this relying on my experiences with the neighbor and the locker room talk from school. Tracy fingered them both to climax and I could tell the girls were getting pooped again. When he'd withdrawn his fingers, I bent down and licked their little nipples and kissed ...
... them on the mouth. Barb took all this in stride, but Sal looked like she was going to swoon. The girls got up and went to the bathroom, I suppose to swap experiences and just giggle. I pulled on my cutoffs and donned my t-shirt and went out in back to smoke. Tracy soon joined me and was buzzing with excitement. Wow! to have a hot sister like that AND her girlfriend. {I could see wheels turning in his head, so it was time to play Big Brother. "Tracy, yer my bud and I love ya like a brother, but please don't try to fuck Barb, she's your sister for God's sake. It's bad enough what we did today but at least I felt like I was in control." "Why can't I fuck Barb? She enjoyed everything we did. She was even the first to try a lot of those things." I could tell Tracy was in a predicament. Hot sister, willing to do just about anything that felt good and both were alone ALL DAY LONG. At the time I didn't know any better about genetics, that brother and sister could mate and have normal offspring, BUT Tracy was fourteen and Barb thirteen. Barb could start her periods any day. What would he do if he knocked up his thirteen year old sister, huh? How would he take care of them. I told him his dad and mom may be drunks but that doesn't mean either would have any qualms about castrating his young ass. He finally got the point. "What about Sal" he asked? "About the same thing applies, dude. She has parents and two older, very mean brothers....wanna take the chance of knocking her up AND getting ...