Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... through down there!" said Barb. Sal was back to her stoic self again, but her eyes were lit up. "Tracy and I do it once in a while and we PEE through our thing!" Barb chimed in and told us that the girls at school talked about it and told everyone it made you queer lesbians and talked about all the short-haired women around town and how they dressed like guys. "No, it doesn't make you a lesbian, although many women prefer the company of other women over men, but that's their choice to make. We do it to feel good but we still chase girls every chance we get, so that doesn't make us homo's." "Really? Barb and I dress and undress in front of each other all the time but we never have tried to touch each other. I think I'd be embarrassed." said Sal. I looked at Barb - she looked at Sal and piped up " I will if you will!" Once they both agreed to try this, they lay head to crotch with each other. I pulled Barbs bottom leg out and had Sal lay her head on it and the same with hers - that way, both girls were eye to twat with the other. "Ok, now just lean in and lick that part that Tracy and I just played with. Real soon, you'll both feel great." What I hadn't figured on was the natural girl smell, along with a little pee odor coming from both. Barb and Sal could only get in smelling distance of each other. To remedy this, I had both go to the bathroom and wet a washrag and wash their twats. The little vixens, little did I know, once in there with the door closed, they cleaned each ...
... other. Coming back to the bedroom, both seemed in a better frame of mind. Dare-devil Barb was the first to put her little lips on Sal's clit and take a tentative lick. Sal soon returned the favor and Barb's little clit began to sneak out of its hood. With a little more stimulation from Barb, Sal's poked waay out, a good half inch. Within scant minutes, both girls were going at it hot and heavy. Tracy and I stood there watching them both, wondering what next trick to pull out of my hat. In less than ten minutes later, both ladies had cum hard, alternating between burying their face in the other's twat or just moaning. Pretty soon, they fell apart looking drained. I sent Tracy to the kitchen for a round of sodas while I sat between the two girls rubbing their hard little nipples. Barb's just went up like hard little BB's while Sal's areola and nipple both swelled. I noticed that Sal's great little breasts seemed to swell along with them. Pretty quickly, they had me alternating nipples and wiggling around on the bed. I wasn't sure at this point, but if past performance was any indication, whoever fucked these two young ladies had better be a rodeo rider. Tracy came back loaded with pop and we sat around talking. Tracy, as always, didn't have a whole lot to say, but hung on every word the girls and I uttered. "What did you think of that, ladies?" I said. "Oh Gawd, I didn't know I could EVER feel that good. You sure it doesn't make me queer or anything?" asked Barb "Do you feel ...