1. Youth

    Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser

    ... find Tracy balls deep in Barbs ass. I made coffee while they did their business. Barb was already climaxing when we walked in and was urging Tracy to fuck her vagina. As Tracy pulled out, I noticed no condom. Barb is on the pill, but that's beside the point. "Hold it you two!" "What's wrong now?" "Ever heard of yeast infections? No anal to vaginal without a condom you can remove. Besides, other people eat there." "Some of those guys at the party do me that way" complained Barb. "Then you've been very, very lucky. Tracy have you gone down on her?" "Yeah, just a little bit ago." "Any cheesy stuff come out of her or an odor?" "Just white shit- I thought maybe it was last night's cum. Now that you mention it, it does smell different." "Jesus Barb, hasn't your mother said shit to you about anything? "Who else did you see doing anal to pussy?" "Mom and I are the only ones I've seen do it." "I told you she was a cow" quipped Tracy. This might also explain the itch Barb seems to have since last summer. "Barb, hate to say this, but you're out of commission until we get you to a doctor." "Am I sick?" "If you've had this yeast thing since last summer, it's a wonder if you aren't sterile or something." "That couple and their daughter I was with do it all the time." I just groaned - You can't fix stupid! "Barb, would you suck Tracy's dick after he butt fucked you?" "Ewww, no way, that's gross!" "Then why let someone put it where it can't be washed off or out?" Sal finally spoke up:" I ...
    ... see your point. Better take me too. A couple of those guys did me that way last night." What fucking morons. And the wives never said shit either. Waking the parental units, the four of us sat dad and mom at the kitchen table and explained what they'd done, not only to Barb, but to Sal too after last night's initiation. Since this was their doing, the four of us suggested rather strongly that the father unit would foot the bill for the girl's exams and prescriptions. I had words of my own for the mother. How could she be so fucking ignorant? Father unit started to get angry until Tracy and I both reminded him that not only were he and his group exploiting minors, it also amounted to statutory rape. He wanted us to calm down and yes, he'd pick up the tab. I suggested he also bring his wife along. I failed to describe the mother adequately. She stayed far out in the ozone most of the time, barely making sense when she did try a conversation. All she seemed to live for were the weekend parties. Damn, someone had to be the grownup here. Why did it fall to a 16 yr. old? Following the parental zeros into town in my car, it was decided we'd announce the problem to the rest of the partiers. I'm sure mom & dad will be upset by the news, but the couples, rather the wives should have known this all along. Ok, Barb had been like a party favor, but you still take care of your toys. The girls were pretty subdued about getting an infection through ignorance. I had to remind them - didn't they ...