1. Youth

    Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser

    ... Being a sometimes bi-sexual is probably ok." "I dunno, it's different when I'm with you. Surprised the shit outta me when I saw my dad jerking one of the guys off, still sitting in his chair. And another thing - I've NEVER seen my mom nude and I hope never to again. Gawd, that woman is gross. Seeing her in that damned bikini she wears is bad enough." "Can't say as she does much for me either. I like em just this size." grabbing Sal around the waist and pulling her between my legs. Sal looked me in the eyes and said "Who got you off tonight?" "No one" Sal stepped back, eying me closely. "No one? I overheard those women talking about the size of your dick." "Touching and looking does not equate to fucking." "You had all those women waiting in line to be 'serviced' and no one got you off." "Bingo. Give the lady a cigar." "Ok. I'll bite, why not." "Wasn't what they needed and wasn't what I wanted at the time." "What did you want 'at the time'?" "You" Sal rushed over to me and I wrapped her in my arms. If I had to guess, some of her adventuresome ideas may be a bit tarnished at this point. I still maintain this is just physical exercise and our true feeling are reserved for the ones we love. Time will tell about that. Judging from my own feelings of the night's events, I was somewhat pleased at my ability to scope out the two women I'd done. Being able to guess, and guess it was, what turned these women on gave me a certain sense of pride. I'm no coxman, I just do what feels ...
    ... right at the time. A lingering question in the back of my mind was still the Barb/Tracy union. How will tonight's activities change that? Tracy thinks with his dick and little else. Sex is all about him. Bang 'em, then sleep it off. Big Brother mode tells me he's got to do some changing or he's going to be a bore later in life. Sex is about taking, yes, but it's also about giving and deserving what you get. My old dad once told me "Son, make sure the woman get hers first. You'll get taken care of along the way and they'll always ask you back." Words to live by. I needed sleep in the worst way, but I needed my woman more. I got the feeling she was a little insecure about the whole night, now that it was over. I whispered in her ear that she probably could do with a douche. Maybe that would help her feel 'cleaner'. She ducked out the door with the bag and a bucket of water. Returning a half hour later, I grabbed her hand and we climbed the ladder to our queen bed. I snuggled her close to me, wrapping her in my arms. "I love you, Baby Doll." "I'm a tramp now, aren't I." "Do you feel like a tramp? If you do, then tell me about it." "Four men, six fucks, that's why" she sobbed. "Then I assume you don't see this as physical exercise that feels good." "I just feel used." "No, you just feel fucked. Tell me, through the whole experience you never got turned on." "Well, sure I got turned on. I was hoping at least one of them would go down on me, but all they wanted was to plug my holes as ...