Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... Sorry make that three. Alice rolled to the side of the bed and planted a big kiss on my lips. "I'd pay for that kind of experience" as she slipped away Hmm, I wondered....naw, not gonna happen. Sharon, the loudmouth, closed the bedroom door as the other filed out. She wasn't all that bad looking, just kind of hard around the edges, like someone who isn't getting what they want out of life. Totally nude, she had small breasts, a trim waist and hardly any ass to speak of. "Ok stud, do your stuff. I've had better men than you since I was twelve" "So, I have to assume you only came here to fuck, not enjoy yourself and that's a shame because you're a very attractive woman." "Look. All those bozos out there think they're God's gift to women. I can get a bigger thrill out of my hairbrush than any of them." "Well, I guess we've got as long as we want, so tell me what you enjoy. What brings you pleasure?" "Men don't take the time to ask what turns a woman on. Me Tarzan, you Jane. Lay down, spread legs.....Ooh Ooh Ooh" "Would you mind a little experiment?" "Just what did you have in mind? You aren't planning to tie me up are you?" "No, not at all. What I would like to do is blindfold you. Your hands are free at all times, so you aren't a captive or anything." "Ok, I'm game, but no funny business. My husband is very protective." "It also appears he has certain deficiencies in other areas." "Big talk from a punk kid." I walked over to Barb's dresser and rummaged until I found a long ...
... T-shirt. Going back to the bed, I gestured for her to sit up. Doing so, I wrapped the T-shirt around her head, covering her eyes. "Comfortable? Any anxieties?" "I'm still waiting for this miracle, kid." I had her lay back and started stroking her scalp, moving down to her neck. She was tense as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Soon, I replace my fingers with my lips, nibbling her earlobes. She broke out in a fit of giggles. "I get it. You're going to tickle me until I cum." "Hmm, lemme see...would that work for you?" "Not on your life, stud. Get busy." I changed sides and instead nibbling, I planted soft kisses down to the hollow of her throat. Her giggles shifted to a slow squirming. I was making some kind of progress. I continued the kisses and nibbling down what passed as the valley between her breasts. At this point, she acted like she was trying to direct a nipple to my mouth. Plenty of time for that. One thing I'd learned from the visiting girl last summer, was that many women like the undersides of their breast stroked and nuzzled. Trying this out on her brought immediate whimpers and more attempts to put her nipples within my lips. After kissing and licking her entire breast area, I took one nipple between my lips and the other between thumb and finger. Since her breasts were not large, sucking on the nipple needed a lot of effort. I spit on the index finger of the hand holding the free breast and drew wet circles around her areola. Pushing upward, she tried for ...