Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... pork her best friend and seemed happy about it. I was still trying to wrap my mind around this development as I watch Sal shedding her clothes as fast as she could. Maybe she was turned on and wanted to finish me off. From a guy's point of view, watching sex is kind of a turn on. "What's going on now?" Turning to Tracy, she said: " get your damned clothes off dude!" Tracy had that deer-in-the-headlights look, looking at me for some kind of direction. "I think I'd do what the lady said, pard." "But.." "No, you get my pussy, Buck gets my butt. I wanna be DP'd, I think that's the term, isn't it?" "Are you saying you want BOTH of in you at the same time?" "I want...I want to try this so badly." By this time, she was totally nude and crawling over to me. Tracy was moving very slowly. I think he was either afraid I'd pound his ass or just in shock. "You heard the lady, hustle yer ass over here." Barb had rolled off one side of the bed to make room for Sal to lay down. "Tracy, get over here and lay down" patting the bed beside her. Tracy did as he was told and lay down, however, with a limp dick. He was scared as I was, but I had a totally different reason. Sal was showing more and more the kinky side of her sexuality. I just wondered if I was man enough to handle it. Seeing Tracy's limp dick, Sal immediately plunged her mouth over it and within minutes, he sprang back to life again. Tracy, in the last year, gained about an inch in length and was still embarrassingly thick. After ...
... getting him to the state she wanted, she threw a leg over him and just impaled herself on his cock. She then leaned forward and braced her elbows on his shoulders. Wiggling her ass as an invitation, she turned to me and said: "Plug my other hole honey. I want this so bad. I've had dreams about this!" Who am I to argue? Getting into position between Tracy's spread knees, I spit in my palm and rubbed it over my own stiff dick still damp with Barb's secretions. Lining up, I eased my cock into her waiting ass. Sal moved up until Tracy was just inside her pussy lips and told me to move a little closer and deeper. Once positioned, she slammed back on the two cocks embedded deep in her. Tracy in her succulent pussy and me deep in her bowels. As if we knew what our roles where, Tracy and I remained stationary while Sal did the work. Sal began to make funny noises and just shudder every few seconds, finally tensing up rigidly as she pushed both dicks in her as deeply as she could. Letting out a long moan, she collapsed on Tracy's chest. Strangely, Tracy, the one-shot- wonder was still hard and I had yet to climax myself. I think I was still in awe over what had taken place and yet still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I pulled Sal off Tracy with my dick embedded in her adorably tight ass to lay side by side, cuddling. Looking over at Barb, I uttered words I never thought would ever leave my mouth.- "Barb, get over here and ride Tracy so he can come." The girl was on him in a flash ...