Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... out]. He then asked me if we'd ever discussed it. Sure, we'd discussed it. She'd goaded me about all the wives just itching for a young stud to try. I had to ask, didn't it bother him to see his wife getting her brains fucked out while he just sat and watched. "Hmm, so you know I just watch. Well, my young friend, it's the booze. It's easier to get plastered than try to satisfy the bitch or any of the others. I'm content to sit and sip and watch. Wouldn't you fuck my wife?" "Sorry Jack, but she's not my type. I like a little less meat." "Well different strokes and all that." "And none of the other men mind watching their wives get porked?" I was still kind of incredulous. "Why should it. They get all the strange pussy they want all weekend. You should come over and sample some...and bring that girl with you." With my silence he tabled the discussion. Maybe he wondered if he was losing his handyman. As soon as we'd returned from the cabins, I called Sal to pick her up. She'd just die if she knew what was proposed. "And he said what? The women wanted you to come service them? What did he say about me?" "Well, it was a pretty blatant suggestion that you come too and add to the entertainment every weekend." "And you said what to that? The thought kinda makes my pussy tingle, but I'd never do anything like that if it upset you." "Then you mean you'd do it if I were ok with the whole thing." "Tell me the thought of porking all those strange women doesn't excite you too. Deny it ...
... and I'll call you a liar.” 'I never said it wasn't tempting, but you know this could be a real turning point in our relationship. I mean it could go either way - enrich it or bust us up. Talking about it in fantasy is one thing. Me watching you with a stranger or the other way around is an eye opener we may not be able to live with or decide it's something we'd missed out on." We rolled this around the rest of the evening. The next day being Sunday, Tracy and Barb's folks were at the cabin, so we had the house to us kids. Pulling everyone to the patio outside, we sat and discussed it. Tracy was intrigued and asked a million questions, more like he was asking my permission. Barb was more or less comfortable with the whole deal, asking Sal if she ever fantasized about fucking other guys, especially a whole LOT of other guys, one after the other. "I just can't seem to get enough dick those weekends. You gotta try it at least once. Maybe you'll like it as much as I do." Sal just sat there taking it all in. "Barb, remember last summer when I got so mad at you for wanting me to 'loan out' my man? I've thought about it all winter and I think I'd be ok with it. Part of me wants the thrill of seeing it and part of me is scared I'll lose the best thing I've ever had." "Ok, so what will make up your mind?" "Well, none of here are strangers and we ARE all friends, so let's try something. I want Buck here to finally fuck you. If I can take that, maybe I'll be open for more experimentation.” ...