Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser
... seen going on, how I'd been propositioned by an obviously married woman and how the atmosphere of I don't know what....sex, I suppose was so thick you could cut it. I didn't want to get entirely too graphic about the short time I was in there, but I did tell them about their mom servicing whoever cared to bother. "That's pretty much what they always do, but they've never had so many people over before" said Tracy. "You should hear how they talk to me, like I'm some kind of sex pet kept around for them to handle" Barb added " I've had my ass pinched and my nipples pulled and mom or dad really didn't do anything to stop it except to tell them I was jailbait." I kind of began to get an inkling of how Barb was wired now. She'd been exposed to sex for a long time and now it was showing up as aggression and maybe nymphomania....but I'm not a shrink. Both sibling were getting a little morose at this point so I changed the subject. "How's your new 'girlfriends' ( stressing the plural ) Tracy?" "They're leaving this morning. The older one, Tammy, I think is in a hurry to get back to her regular boyfriend. The younger two really liked having me around." "Same here" said Barb, "they told me they belong to this club in Kansas City that's all moms and dads and daughters. They were training Megan to go to the meetings with them. I just love all that sex. I couldn't get enough of it and now they're packing up. They did tell me it was too bad I couldn't get my parents interested. They'd ...
... love to get with me again." "So what do you two want to do now? I have Sal in here every night. I don't think your parents care or even notice she's gone. I make sure she goes over there every day, early to clean up and change clothes. Otherwise it's like we aren't even here." "So where does that leave me" asked Barb? "You mean you can't stand to sleep around your brother" I said. "Big deal, he's got other girls on his mind and he doesn't touch me." Leave it to me to pick the wrong subject. We went to the beach, mainly because Tracy was playing cock hound again. Barb just kind of lay there next to Sal and I while we soaked up the sun. It started to get dark and everyone was hungry so we walked back to the cabins. Once we got there, the place was in full swing again. Probably a good thing we were so far off the beaten path because the stereo would have gotten complaints. We made sandwiches, ate chips and downed a lot of pop that evening. By 10PM, we were ready for bed. Sal and I crawled into our little love nest while Tracy stretched out below. Barb just sat on a kitchen chair, swinging her legs. I woke up several hours later with a very full bladder. I tried easing out of bed, so as not to wake up Sal, but as soon as my warmth left her body, she began feeling around for me. She opened her eyes and squinted at me. "What time is it?" "Really late or really early, depending on how you wanna look at it, but the party is still going strong over there." "Why did you get up" "I need to ...