Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser
... coast was clear. Tracy and Barb already had excuses made up for being gone all the time - Tracy found a 'girlfriend' and Barb found another girl closer to her likes than Sal. Sal, when left alone would hang out with me and the absence of daily fucking put that little puppy dog look back on her face. Tracy's parents thought this was an absolute hoot and his dad suggested a few times that I'd better snap her up before someone stole her away from me. Funny, Barb's mom & dad just accepted all this with no questions. I guess it meant no kids underfoot. Serious drinking and partying were on the near horizon. About six PM. or so, two couples and half a dozen single men showed up at their door. It took about 20 minutes for Sal to scoot over to the caboose. "Did you know most of them were half tanked before they even got here" she asked? "I couldn't keep them out of our room....they wanted me to come out and party with them. Fat chance!" I really wanted to know just what went on over there after dark but how to do it? Sometimes opportunity knocks like a 2x4 to the side of the head. One of the wives kept trying to strike up a conversation with me but I kept telling her I had to watch the little girls. Sal would stand by me with the cutest little pout, wanting me to go 'play' with her. I took her off to the caboose and ate her pussy for a few minutes, then told her I wanted to know everything that went on in the main cabin. She asked me what I had planned and I told her I wanted to ...
... just ask some innocent questions and see what I could see. I didn't think it would be too hard to connect the dots. Sal stayed in the caboose and I went over to get a fresh 6-pack of pop. The same woman that tried to talk to me pulled me too her full breasts as soon as I walked through the door. "Reinforcements have arrived! I'll bet he doesn't wilt so quick like you slouches." She kept trying to push my face down into her cleavage. One of the guys, I dunno if he was a husband or one of he singles there, hollered out "What does a punk kid know about pleasing a woman? Fuckin kid, anyway." One of the other women chimed in that what I didn't know, I'd make up in staying power. I was starting to get a little paranoid. Barb's mom was sprawled on a chase lounge in a dressing gown, which was opened completely. Tracy's dad was for the most part, just sitting in a drunken haze, never objecting when someone male or female mounted or licked or put their dicks down her throat. She just serviced whoever was interested. Yeah, she had big, soft tits but her ass was wider than her shoulders and those were pretty meaty in themselves. I don't think, even in my later years, had I ever seen a woman with a hairier cunt. From down the insides of her thighs to her belly button, nothing but thick bush. The other women were getting into the act and peeling off their clothes. I made sure both Barb's mom and dad knew I was in here, that I'd pretty much seen everything that was going on and that I was ...