1. Youth

    Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser

    ... pussy, I let her inner muscles milk me to my maximum hardness in a very short time. Not neglecting her tiny ass, I kept my thumb buried in it to my hand. I pushed down on her lower back, bracing her for what was to come. Hammering into her yielding pussy, she started to moan and thrash around with a small orgasm. I pulled my dick out and my thumb at the same time, only to shove my rock hard penis into her waiting asshole. Man, did she howl. I thought maybe I'd hurt her but she started rocking back to meet every one of my thrusts, screaming for me to FUCK HER. I pulled her back on my knees so she had to actually do some of the work. I kept her guided on track because I was afraid she'd bounce off of it. This time, when she got her rocks, she bounced on me crying that she loved me and any hole in her body was mine whenever I wanted it...I just love a satisfied woman. Maybe another hour had past and no sign of Tracy or Barb for that matter. They both knew where they lived, so they'd come home when they wanted. I just hoped they used a little common sense and stayed out of trouble. About 2 AM, Tracy came dragging in. He made enough noise to wake the both of us, so we sat over the edge of the bed and talked. Seems he'd found a group of young girls whose parents had gone into town to party. Being alone, they had no problems playing Spin the Bottle and finally Truth or Dare. At this point, the dares became more outrageous as everyone's shyness passed. Tracy managed to shag a ...
    ... fifteen year old who'd been having sex with her boyfriend for over a year and was beginning to feel the separation anxiety of him being in home while she was stuck here with her family. Tracy admitted he had to do a lot of show and tell and had three different girls hold his dick. The eldest showed her sister how to jack a boy off. The big thing was, they'd be here for two weeks, allowing Tracy to visit whenever they could be alone. It also turns out their parents had an alcohol problem like his and most time when they'd return to camp, it was to simply pass out in their own tent. So much for parental guidance. Had he seen Barb? Well, kind of. She'd been talking with a family the last he'd seen her. A mother, father and a daughter. Around 3 AM Barb decided to grace us with her presence again and she looked very tired, but wired at the same time. The family she'd struck up a 'friendship' with had a daughter her age. They'd walked up and down the beach sharing secrets like only a thirteen year old can. It turns out the father and the mother had been introducing their little thirteen year old to sex over the last few months. The mother wanting her cherry gone before she started her periods. Barb pounced on this like a hungry dog, pumping her new friend for all the details. Barb told her she'd lost her cherry only a week before and had no one to get her excited and she'd be living here all summer. The new friend took her back to camp and told her parents about Barb's situation. They ...